BIFTECK HACHÉ À LA LYONNAISE [Ground Beef with Onions and Herbs]
  1. Cook the onions slowly in the butter for about 10 minutes until very tender but not browned. Place in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add the beef, butter or fat, seasonings, and egg to the onions in the mixing bowl and beat vigorously with a wooden spoon to blend thoroughly. Correct seasoning. Form into patties ¾ inch thick. Cover with waxed paper and refrigerate until ready to use.
  3. Just before sautéing, roll the patties lightly in the flour. Shake off excess flour.
  4. Place the butter and oil in the skillet and set over moderately high heat. When you see the butter foam begin to subside, indicating it is hot enough to sear the meat, sauté the patties for 2 to 3 minutes or more on each side, depending on whether you like your hamburgers rare, medium, or well done.
  5. Arrange the hamburgers on the serving platter and keep warm for a moment while finishing the sauce.
  6. Pour the fat out of the skillet. Add the liquid and boil it down rapidly, scraping up the coagulated pan juices, until it has reduced almost to a syrup. Off heat, swirl the butter by half-tablespoons into the sauce until it is absorbed. Pour the sauce over the hamburgers and serve.