You’ll find versions of this recipe all across Asia, and it shows how good fast food can be. Because you are cooking over high heat, it’s important to work quickly and keep everything moving around the wok, especially once the garlic has been added, as it will burn easily and taste bitter. Flattening the chicken not only means it will cook more quickly, but helps to tenderize it too.
  1. If using dried noodles, soak them in warm water until softened, according to the package instructions. (This will take about 10 minutes, depending on the brand.)
  2. Meanwhile, butterfly the chicken by slicing through it horizontally, but leaving it joined down one side, then open it out. Flatten it with a rolling pin, then cut it diagonally into strips.
  3. Heat a wok over high heat and add a dash of oil. Season the chicken with salt and pepper, and stir-fry for about 3 minutes until golden brown all over but not quite cooked through.
  4. Add the garlic and stir-fry for 30 seconds, then add the broccoli and continue to stir-fry for a few minutes until tender; add the soy sauce to season. When the broccoli is tender, remove the contents of the wok and set them aside. Wipe out the wok, add a dash of oil, and heat through.
  5. Drain the soaked noodles. Add the eggs to the hot wok, season with salt and pepper, and stir over the heat, allowing the bottom of the egg to cook. Add the noodles and toss well, breaking up the egg as you do so. Return the chicken and broccoli mixture to the wok and heat through, stir-frying over medium heat.
  6. Serve the noodles immediately with wedges of lime to squeeze on top.
  1. Tossing the contents of a pan with a smooth flick of the wrist doesn’t just look good—it means you can stay in control and keep things cooking evenly. The secret is to push the pan away from you and sharply pull it back. Push away, pull back, push away, pull back. It will take a little practice, but it’s a skill definitely worth perfecting.