FILETS DE POISSON POCHÉS AU VIN BLANC [Fish Filets Poached in White Wine]
  1. Sprinkle half the shallots or onions in the bottom of the dish. Season the filets lightly with salt and pepper and arrange them in one slightly overlapping layer in the dish. If filets are thin, they may be folded in half so they make triangles. Sprinkle the filets with the remaining shallots or onions, and dot with butter. Pour in the cold liquid and enough water so fish is barely covered
  2. Bring almost to the simmer on top of the stove. Lay the buttered paper over the fish. Then place dish in bottom third of preheated oven. Maintain liquid almost at the simmer for 8 to 12 minutes depending on the thickness of the filets. The fish is done when a fork pierces the flesh easily. Do not overcook; the fish should not be dry and flaky.
  3. Place a cover over the dish and drain out all the cooking liquid into an enameled saucepan. (*) The fish is now poached and ready for saucing. It may be covered and kept warm for a few minutes over hot, but not simmering, water. Or set it aside, covered with its piece of paper, and reheat later for a few minutes over simmering water. Be very sure the fish does not overcook as it reheats. Before saucing the fish, drain off any liquid which may have accumulated in the dish.