WHEN I ARRIVED in New York, I discovered that Maine sea scallops, which come to us live in the shell, were much sweeter than the ones I had been cooking in Europe. If sliced and overlapped in a rosace (rose pattern), they naturally stick together when cooked. Early on, I would sear the rosace only on one side, so that it would caramelize rapidly and remain barely cooked. Here the layering technique is the same, but the cuisson is achieved through gentle heat rather than a searing in a pan. The delicate mollusks, glazed with miso and black garlic jus, are sprinkled with crispy rice and chive blossoms, and are presented over stewed Brussels sprouts.
Sea Scallop Rosace
Black Miso Sauce
Stewed Brussels Sprouts
For the Crispy Rice
  1. Rinse the rice with cold water until it runs clear. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the rice and boil, stirring occasionally, until very soft, 10 to 15 minutes. Strain the rice and pat it dry with a paper towel. Transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet, sprinkle rice flour over the top, and toss to lightly coat. Spread the rice flat and rest, uncovered, in a warm place for 6 hours, or until dry. Fill one-third of a large saucepan with canola oil and heat to 375°F. Fry the rice in 3 batches until puffed. Strain onto a paper towel–lined plate.
For the Sea Scallop Rosace
  1. Remove the side muscle from the scallops and reserve. Using a 2-inch-diameter ring cutter, cut the scallops into straight cylinders; reserve the trim. Slice each scallop into ⅛-inch-thick discs. Trace 5-inch circles onto four 6-inch squares of parchment paper, turn them over, and lightly brush the papers with oil. Layer the slices from 2 scallops on the oiled side of each paper, inside the circles in a slightly overlapping pattern. Top the scallops with another piece of oiled parchment, oiled side down. Repeat to make 4 “rosaces.” Reserve, chilled.
For the Shallot Confit
  1. Combine the shallots, olive oil, chili flakes, and vinegar in a small saucepan, making sure the shallots are submerged, and season with salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer, then reduce the heat to just below a simmer and cook until the shallots are very tender, about 20 minutes. Strain and reserve the oil and keep warm. Just before serving, toss in the chives.
For the Black Miso Sauce
  1. Heat the olive oil in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat. Add the reserved scallop muscles and scraps and cook, stirring often, until cooked through. Add the onion, carrot, and celery and cook, stirring, until tender, about 2 minutes. Add the vinegar and mirin and simmer until almost dry. Add the miso, black garlic, and jus. Simmer until reduced enough to coat the back of a spoon. Transfer to a blender and puree until smooth. Pass through a fine-meshed sieve, season with salt and pepper, and reserve, chilled.
For the Stewed Brussels Sprouts
  1. Bring a medium pot of salted water to a boil and place a bowl of ice water to the side. Peel at least 12 green outer leaves from the Brussels sprouts and boil them until tender, about 30 seconds. Chill them in the ice water, strain, pat dry, and reserve for the garnish.
  2. Shave the remaining Brussels sprouts on a mandoline, avoiding the core. Melt the butter in a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add the carrot, onion, and celery; cook, stirring, until tender, about 3 minutes. Add the shaved Brussels sprouts and stock and bring to a simmer, stirring, until the Brussels sprouts are cooked through, about 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and keep warm.
To Finish
  1. Preheat the oven to 300°F. Put the miso sauce in a small saucepan, place over low heat, and stir to heat through; season with crushed black pepper to taste. Remove the top parchment from the scallops, sprinkle with salt and white pepper, and cover again. Transfer to a baking sheet in a single layer and bake for 5 to 6 minutes, until just cooked through.
  2. For each serving, place a 5-inch ring mold in the center of a warm appetizer plate and spoon a layer of stewed Brussels sprouts onto the bottom. Remove the ring from the plate and remove the top layer of parchment from the rosace of cooked scallop. Flip onto the Brussels sprouts and remove the parchment from the top. Glaze with black miso sauce and arrange 3 shallot confit halves, 3 pieces shaved black garlic, a few pieces of purple shiso leaves, and a few Brussels sprout leaves on top. Sprinkle with crispy rice and chive blossoms.