Patoleo Recipe
Patoleo or Patoli recipe is made specially during independence day, ganesh chaturthi festival and nagpanchami.
Servings Prep Time
3people 15min
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
3people 15min
Cook Time
for patoleo
  1. Soak the rice overnight.
  2. Remove the excess water and grind into smooth, thick paste.
  3. Rinse the turmeric leaves.
  4. Wipe the moisture with a cloth or paper napkin. Place them aside.
  5. You could slice them into halves if they are big in size.
  6. For the stuffing take a heavy bottomed pan add ghee to it.
  7. Place on low heat saute charoli if using for 40-60 secs.
  8. Now add fresh grated coconut, jaggery powder. Keep stirring the mixture for 3-4 mins.
  9. Jaggery would melt, the mixture would leave nice aroma. Switch off the gas once all mixed well. Ensure you don’t over-cook the mixture else the jaggery might harden or get stiff which is not good for your patoleos.
  10. Lastly add cardamom powder. Mix nicely. Switch off the gas don’t overcook the mixture. Allow the mixture to cool down.
  11. Take some batter in your hand and apply them on the turmeric leaves all over. Repeat the same with the rest of leaves.
  12. Place a scoop of coconut-jaggery stuffing over one side of the leaf. Now close or wrap them with the other side of the leaf. ensure its seales properly.
  13. Place them on a steamer alternatively you could place them in a vessel containing water, place a stand and keep a metal tray or dish over the stand. Keep few of stuffed turmeric leaves. Don’t stack them altogether just place few apart from each other and steam few at a time. You could also pressure cook them or steam in idli vessel.
  14. Repeat the same with the rest of patolis. After 7-8 mins they would be ready the color of the leaves would change.
  15. Allow to cool unwrap the leave and enjoy your patoleos warm or cold.