PETITS CHAUSSONS AU ROQUEFORT [Pastry Turnovers with Roquefort Cheese]
These nice little mouthfuls are made of pastry dough rolled out and cut into squares, ovals, or circles. In the center a small lump of filling is placed. The edges of the pastry are moistened with beaten egg, then either another piece of pastry is placed on top, or the original pastry is folded over upon itself to enclose the filling. They are then baked in a hot oven until they puff and brown. In making them, avoid putting in so much filling that the pastry cannot be sealed, and be sure to seal carefully so the turnovers do not burst while baking. A ravioli stamp—a heavy metal ring about 2 inches in diameter with serrated teeth—will seal 2 rounds of pastry most efficiently together.
Turnovers may enclose a variety of stuffings other than Roquefort, such as the cream fillings or any of the liver, sausage, or veal mixtures in the pâté section, or the ground meat mixtures in the Beef, Lamb, or Veal sections. You can also use little pork sausages or store-bought sausage meat. Chaussons may be made in any size or shape, from about 2½ inches for appetizers to 12 inches for an entrée.