How well a potato can deal with discipline.
  1. Boil the potatoes in salted water; check if they are done with a sharp knife in order to catch them before they start to fall apart. Drain.
  2. Line your bread tin or terrine mold with cling film. As soon as the potatoes are at a temperature you can handle, but still warm, slice them a scant ½ inch thick. Lay one layer of sliced potato at the bottom of your chosen mold, cautiously sprinkle with capers and salt and pepper, cover this with another layer of potatoes and repeat the caper and seasons. Continue this process until the tin is full, cover with cling film, place a heavy weight on top, the right size to fit within the sides of the mold, and place in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. The next day tip the pressed potato out of its mold and slice with a thin sharp knife.
  4. It is a wonderful base for oily, salty things. For example, you can now dress each slice with anchovy fillets and extra-virgin olive oil, hot eel and bacon . . .