Roseate Special Indian Tricolor Dessert Recipe
Orange Chocolate Mousse
Coconut Jelly
Kiwi Chocolate Mousse
  1. Mix all the ingredients together and let it rest for 30 minutes in the freezer.
  2. Roll out as per thickness required cut with cutter and bake at 170 degrees for 16-17 minutes.
Orange Chocolate Mousse
  1. Make a ganache from the fresh cream and chocolate, add soaked gelatin leaf, let it coll into 32 degrees, then add with a spatula the whipped cream and orange sauce.
Coconut Jelly
  1. Heat the milk with sugar then mix. Take out from heat and add soaked gelatin leaf, finally pour into insert.
  1. Set the mould in tray. Pour 1/3rd of Orange mousse. Let it sit for 5 minutes and then put coconut insert.
  2. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Now pour kiwi mousse. Please note that all three should be of equal weight before pouring in mould.
  3. Let it freeze in blast chiller for 2 hours. Once set, demould and finish with color glaze or present it like that and place on sable.