If your skate wings are small serve one each, half each if largish, and cut into four if large. The main thing is to make sure your fishmonger skins your wings both sides.
  1. Heat an ovenproof frying pan that’s large enough for your fish to lie flat. Apply a spot of oil and a large knob of butter. When sizzling, pop the skate in and shuggle the pan slightly to stop the flesh sticking. Turn the fish after a few moments, give the pan another shuggle, and place in a hot oven for about 10 minutes. Adjust for the thickness of the skate: your skate is done when the flesh comes easily from the bone when prodded with the point of a knife.
  2. Remove the fish to a warm plate and return the pan to the heat. Add the rest of the butter, wait until this is bubbling, and add the bread cubes. Let these get a little color, until crispy and buttery, but still giving in the middle. Add the lemon juice, allow it to sizzle and turn brown, and add the capers. At the last minute add the parsley and straight away pour over the fish. Season and serve at once.
  3. All you need now is a spirited salad to follow.