Buffalo Wings Recipe
Super Bowl Sunday is just around the corner. That means, if you’re hosting friends and family, you need to star stocking your fridge and buying snacks right now. If you’re more of the cooking while you watch the game type, why not whip up these buffalo wings?
Servings Prep Time
10chicken wings 10minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
10chicken wings 10minutes
Cook Time
  1. Sift the paprika, cayenne pepper and salt into the flour.
  2. Toss the chicken wings in the flour and refrigerate for an hour.
  3. Heat the oil to 375 degrees F.
  4. Mix the butter, hot sauce, pepper and garlic powder together and warm over low heat.
  5. Fry the wings in the hot oil for 10-15 minutes, turning a few times.
  6. Top the wings with the hot sauce mixture.
  7. Serve and enjoy.