Woodcock defecate before they fly, so they can be roasted with the guts in, which heightens the flavor.
  1. Allow the same roasting and resting time as the pigeon, then, with a teaspoon, scoop out its guts into a hot frying pan with a knob of butter, allow to sizzle for a few moments, then rescue the liver with a spoon and mix with a splash of stock, using the back of a spoon to work the ingredients together.
  2. Rest your woodcock on a piece of toast, onto which you have spread its liver, and pour the pan juices through a sieve over the bird. The head you also roast, wrapped in tinfoil, and split open when serving, exposing its delicious brains: you will need a teaspoon for this. Unfortunately woodcock are not as plentiful as pigeons and are much more expensive, but they are worth it. They are one of the finest eating experiences.