In a recent collaboration Tata Trusts and Mars, Incorporated announced their joint venture into a Memorandum of Understanding to work together to enhance agriculture development, tackle...
Belgian beer is known world over by beer lovers for its distinct taste. The beer owes its notes that set it apart from others to the...
It’s World Food Day and there couldn’t be a better day to teach ourselves a bit more about cutting back on food wastage. Metro Vancouver came up...
In what is considered to be a historic decision, the US Food and Drug administration has approved the consumption of genetically modified animals for the first time....
The issue of world hunger has been fast gaining speed in the past few years. But the good news is that organisations and governments are working...
According to the experts at the University of Manchester, a sandwich, which is a common daily meal for millions is causing a major impact on the...
We had a chat with Mark A. Kastel of the Cornucopia Institute, all the way from Cornucopia, Wisconsin. Partnering with consumers, the institute seeks to empower farmers by supporting ecologically...
The lesser the food left on your plate, the lesser it goes into the landfill is what a new research by The Ohio State University suggests....
Crash diets, though supremely unhealthy, are not unheard of. Consuming less than 1500 or even 1000 calories in a day can give you desired results even...
The world’s kind of sort of running out of fresh drinkable water. *Cue intense music* with industries after households drying up sources, every other avenue to...
Keeping up with the ‘Make In India’ spirit, global food and beverage giant PepsiCo has inked an agreement with the Maharashtra government to encourage fruit processing...