When Chef’s Table, the Netflix original series aired in 2015, it immediately captured food lovers’ hearts around the world. It gave viewers the chance to delve...
In January, to celebrate the launch of the new sizes of the Big Mac, McDonald’s gave away 10,000 bottles of Big Mac sauce. Some of these...
In light of the toll that plastic is taking on the environment it has been a welcome change that plastic straws have been banned by certain...
Nine children from the same family were referred to the Gwalior Medical College, according to ANI’s reports today, after falling ill by allegedly consuming “Maggi” on...
If you live in Mumbai and are well connected to social media you must have already guessed it. It is The Playlist Pizzeria to the rescue...
JSM Corp. Put Ltd is the company that runs a number of global food brands in India like Hard Rock Cafe and California Pizza Kitchen. They...
Travelling around the world for a living, eating in parts unknown, and having no reservations when experiencing different cultures, sounds like the perfect life, doesn’t it?...
With great power comes great responsibility, and clearly, choosing the next glazed donut flavor is not something that Krispy Kreme wants to shoulder on its own....
Manpasand Beverages, the manufacturer of Fruits Up and Mango Sip brands has once again revealed its plans for an aggressive expansion. This time, it has stated...
Domino’s has come up with a specialty pizza to celebrate the release of ‘Final Fantasy XIV Online’. These will be limited edition pizzas that will be...
I Brand Beverages, the makers of premium spirits, is set to enter three new states in India to bring its total reach in the country to...
Breakfast lovers (IHOP fans represent) we’ve got some great news for you! IHOP (aka our favourite all-day breakfast dining destination) has launched some seriously delicious looking...
Seeing as though Americans love their ‘seasonally’ themed candy (they have pumpkin themed M&M’s so you can fight me on that statement) M&M has come out...
Even if you haven’t watched the iconic movie, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, we guarantee that you’ve seen pictures of Audrey Hepburn looking ever so whimsical as Holly Golightly....
Looks like Ronald McDonald is taking lessons from Colonel Sanders. Or maybe he too feels that 40 nuggets are just not enough. Either way, as long...
If you’ve been worrying about how you’re going to get your sugar fix today, Taj Coromandel has the solution for you! This World Health Day, they...
We’ve all experienced that awful feeling of waking up hungover with only a vague recollection of the night before. However, research conducted by the University of...
Ninjacart, a B2B agri marketing platform has announced that it has raised Rs. 37 crore in funding. What It Does Ninjacart works with farmers and businesses;...
Avocados have certainly had their moment in the limelight this year. From avolattes actually being a thing, to avocado art taking over our Instagram feeds, there’s...
The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) recently launched one of its newest food safety initiative on trains – the live streaming service of railway...