Beef and potatoes are the main ingredients folded inside these wonderful deep fried samosas.
Print Recipe Asparagus and Corn Augratin Asparagus and corn come together augratin; in a delectable dish that is ideal for small family dinners. Augratin typically means...
Beef Korma is a delicious Indian curry. It goes well with hot cooked rice and chapathi,naan. Learn how to make/prepare Beef korma by following this easy...
Print Recipe Crispy Cabbage Vada Recipe Cabbage Vadas - Deep fried snacks made from ground lentils and finely chopped cabbage. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate...
This traditionally British hot cocktail might not be everyone’s cup of tea. As long as you’ve got some black tea and rum you can whip it...
Print Recipe Holiday Turkey With Honey Orange Glaze "The glaze makes the turkey sweet and succulent!" Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time...
Kuttu curry, a traditional side dish in Kerala sadhya pairs excellently with rice! Cooked with raw banana, yam, channa and coconut, this is a must have for your...
The monsoon is here in full swing, and what better way to celebrate the rain than with a delicious cocktail? Enjoy this delicious Tamarind Smash recipe...
Print Recipe Cauliflower Pakoda Recipe Cauliflower pakodas are my family favorite. Whenever cauliflower is in season, we make it and enjoy it as an evening snack...
Print Recipe FRESH SHRIMP ROLLS I grew up loving spring rolls, but traveling around Asia gave me a new respect for this really simple dish. The...
Print Recipe Beetroot Halwa with Milk Powder This beetroot halwa is one of the best summer desserts when served chilled. Creamy, delicious and a filling dessert...
आपके शाकाहारी दोस्तों को चौकन्ना करने के लिए यह ऐगलेस चॉकलेट पुडिंग एक पर्याप्त व्यंजन है!
VIDEO: A quick chocolate sandwich, that makes a good breakfast or a snack for chocolate lovers and kids. Print Recipe Alternate Method: Chocolate sandwich can be...
The US is celebrating ‘National Nachos Day‘ today, and we don’t think you need a day to celebrate this all-time favourite small eat! While traditionally nachos...
Scampi is a particular kind of meat that is usually extracted from shellfish, or crustaceans, especially the Norway lobster. Another popular crustacean that is used for...
Print Recipe Baingan Mussalam The popular Mussalam gravy is not only easy to prepare but also tastes great. It is a combination of basic spices and...
The sultry North Indian summer calls for something that can cool us down after battling the rising mercury. Well, Punjab has something that you may be...
Print Recipe SPICY MEATBALL SOUP This is real comfort food, meatballs in a richly spicy soup. It adds hugely to the flavor if you can find...
Print Recipe Cabbage Ghughras Ghughra, a traditional gujarati tea time snack gets a savoury twist with this unique filling. Cabbage ghughras feature a stuffing made of...
feature image source Print Recipe 2 Ingredient Strawberry Fudge Recipe It takes only two ingredients, a quick melt and stir and then 20 minutes in the...