Wonder Woman is always on the go. Being a role model, fighting wars and destroying the baddies is no mean feat! The Amazons need food that...
Sarsoon machhi or sarson machhi is a typical Bengali fish dish with mustard flavours. Fresh fish such as hilsa tastes best in this recipe. Serve sarsoon...
Print Recipe Pleasing Palatable Paniyaram A fluffy, flavoured and yummy form of appam. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes Cook...
When Amir returns to Kabul to meet Ali’s son, he finds a piece of information about his mother which he holds dear as he doesn’t know...
With so many guests to entertain and food to put out, New Year’s Eve can be taxing. Put an end to this by making this dish...
Crisp, flaky unleavened layered flat bread from kerala. Learn how to prepare malabar parathas in simple steps in this recipe.
Print Recipe DUO DE BOEUF; BONE MARROW–CRUSTED TARDIVO, SWEET POTATO DAUPHINE OF COURSE I WAS familiar with the short ribs of France, boiled in the iconic...
Have unexpected guests at home and do not know what to serve them? Here’s a super easy dessert that is zero effort and maximum pleasure. Dump...
Refresh yourself after a long hard day at work with a steaming hot cup of lemon tea. Print Recipe Society Tea Lemon Tea Recipe Refreshing Lemon...
Print Recipe Green coconut fish curry The whole spices and whole green chillies add flavour but are not overly hot so this is mild enough for...
McDonald’s had a humble start with a drive-thru selling hamburgers that grew so popular that the it became a global favourite burger chain. So let’s dive...
Of the many things that are vital to Indian households, potato dishes and chai-time snacks are two that are probably the most indispensable. The former finds...
Print Recipe Healthy Pizza Pizza just turned healthy Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients the pizza dough 3 cups whole...
Making a scotch cocktail can be pretty intimidating if you’ve just started experimenting, so we’ve got the perfect drink to whip up for this blustry fall...
Let’s be honest, apple truly goes with everything, from sweet to savory! Courtesy of the Food Network, this Apple Toddy recipe is one that you must...
Print Recipe Italian Cream Cheese and Ricotta Cheesecake "This is my grandmother's cheesecake recipe passed down to my entire family. It's the best. I can't believe...
Stephanie is bunking school but she sure needs to survive the day without coming out of her room so she asks Michelle to make a sandwich...
A mixture of Gujarati and Iranian cuisine makes up the wonderfully delicious dishes from Parsi cuisine. The fragrance and the flavours from the dishes serves as...
Burger King just launched a Mint Oreo Shake in preparation for St Patrick's Day. However, it's only available at outlets in the US, so we're putting...
Get the party started this summer with this super fun Frozen Prosecco recipe courtesy of Delish! It’s amazingly easy to make and even easier to drink!...