Print Recipe Mushroom Fried Rice Recipe one of those quick stir fried rice dishes that i love to make, especially when i have fresh celery at...
Nandu / Crab Rasam is very healthy and also good enough to boost your immunity. Crabs are considered to be high in protein and low in...
Print Recipe CARAMELIZED FIGS WITH RICOTTA Slow cooking benefits not only meat: it allows fruit to develop its natural sugars too. The figs here are basted...
Print Recipe Aloo Poshto This traditional bengali specialty is one of my favourite recipes and i recommend that you give this one a try. This recipe...
Print Recipe PANINO ALLA MARGHERITA This sandwich made of mozzarella, tomato, and basil is my version of a BLT. It’s simple, quick, and oh so yummy!...
This cocktail has all of the ingredients that you’d want to try in fall! Created by Jonathan Pogash, this cocktail has vanilla vodka, pumpkin and cranberry...
Print Recipe Asparagus Rolls Guests love this dainty snack in which asparagus is delicately blended with mustard and green chillies. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate...
Westworld has gripped TV watcher’s attention for its uber exciting plot line, intrigue and characters – half of who are eerily lifelike robots. While much of...
Nothing says Christmas quite like a whiskey-based cocktail to warm up your spirit. Courtesy of Drink Brooklyn Crafted, you can whip up this spiced, ginger beer...
Print Recipe Bengali Dum Aloo Recipe Bengali Dum Aloo Recipe with step by step – yet another favorite dum aloo at home. when i had posted...
Print Recipe Go Green With Chilli! When you eat pickle with any meal then it increases the sensitivity of our taste buds and many of us...
Print Recipe Sweet Pongal A sweet dish traditionally made for Pongal in Tamil Nadu Votes: 1 Rating: 4 You: Rate this recipe! Course Sweets Cuisine South...
For people who’ve fished through a fair amount of fast food around the globe, the poutine needs to introduction. For the uninitiated, poutine is a popular...
Print Recipe PAN-GRILLED SEAFOOD WITH SWEET PEPPER SAUCE I’m always happy eating grilled seafood with a garlicky mayonnaise, but sometimes it’s good to change it up....
Print Recipe Crèpes Belle Hélène A lady-like name, a luring aroma and a lingering taste… all in all, crêpes belle helen is a dessert to long...
Recipe Courtesy: Pernod Ricard India
Print Recipe Herbed Paneer with Tandoori Dip Recipe A dip with a hint of spicy herbs and the paneer taste to it. ... Herbed Paneer with...
Prawn malai curry, a.k.a. chingri malai curry is a popular Bengali prawn dish that packs a blend of traditional Indian and exotic flavours stemming from a...
Print Recipe CHICKEN AND CHICORY IN MARSALA SAUCE Chicken breasts make for a quick and easy main course, but because chicken is such a lean meat,...
In the Johnny Depp starter, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Raoul Duke remises about how "Twenty-four hours ago we were sitting in the Pogo Lounge...