Patrani Macchi is a popular Parsi dish that calls for steaming chutney coated fish in banana leaves. The combination of herbs in the chutney, the use...
Print Recipe Tiramisu Cheesecake "Tiramisu-flavored cheesecake combines the flavors and richness of tiramisu and NY Cheesecake. Just before serving, grate some semisweet chocolate on the top."...
Pongal is the most simplest and easiest breakfast recipe. Making pongal at home is a breeze. It has just 2 steps. Cook rice and dal and...
Print Recipe MINCE AND TATTIES A dish discussed as much as cassoulet is in Castelnaudary. Questions such as should you add peas or carrots can start...
These cute and easy Easter bunny cakes will be the stars of your holiday brunch or dinner. Learn how to make a bunny cake on
Print Recipe A Red Curry Treat A spicy, steaming bowl of Thai coconut red curry will flavor your rice deliciously. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate...
Butter Naan is simply made with all purpose flour (maida), cooked in a unique style and then served with lots of butter on it. It is...
Bheja Masala is very tasty and simple recipe for everyone who loves to eat heavy dishes. It goes well with naan or chapati.
This fruity cocktail may be sweet but it certainly packs a punch! If you’re looking for a gin cocktail with a fruity twist then Angel’s Face...
Print Recipe STUFFED TOMATOES I often serve these tomatoes at room temperature, and believe me, it’s a real relief to be able to serve a dish...
Every great work of literature, we strongly believe, must have some scenes involving food – after all, pivotal plot points often happen at family dinners or...
Print Recipe Sunnundalu! Try this tasty recipe which is rich in protein and iron. Votes: 2 Rating: 3.5 You: Rate this recipe! Course Snacks Prep Time...
Though Annie and Hallie can’t be easy to identify in the movie, The Parent Trap, their different habits surely show. To be precise, their food habits...
‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ begins with Bilbo remembering how Gandalf tricked him into hosting a party for Thorin and his company of dwarves. On the...
This rum and beer cocktail is strictly for sinners only. This unholy combination is the perfect way to elevate your beer and prove to the naysayers...
Print Recipe Quick Salted Caramel Pie: Recipe If you think making desserts is hard work, here’s an easy one for you to try and...
Was your childhood as filled with Enid Blyton classics as ours were? From the adventures of The Famous Five to the exploits of the girls at...
Print Recipe Humble Chicken Breast Tired of plain old chicken breast try this refreshin twist Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Passive Time 30...
Print Recipe Angoori Rabdi Making rabdi, the traditional way, is a time-consuming affair as the milk is simmered on a low flame for a long time...
Print Recipe cordelia’s roast beef Nothing smells better than a roast cooking in the oven—the Dutch oven, that is. This roast smells great all over the...