Print Recipe SEED CAKE AND A GLASS OF MADEIRA Eleven o’clock and still two hours until lunchtime. Something to keep you steady—nothing finer than a slice...
Print Recipe Carrot Dosa Recipe A south indian recipe made with carrots and rice. . . Which makes this dosa delicious and irresistible. Serve these dosas...
Cheese Toast is a quick breakfast/snack recipe popular among people of all age group.
The best part about this drink is that you really only need 3 ingredients! Courtesy of Supercall, this sherry cocktail is perfect to whip up when...
Healthy, delicious and tasty, Avocado tacos make for the perfect snack on a cold wintery night. The fat from the avocado is not only delicious and...
Punjabi kadhi chawal is an all-time favourite in Punjabi homes. This Indian yogurt curry with rice is prepared by putting fried fritters in yogurt based curry.
Print Recipe Spinach, meet Mushrooms! Make a delicious, creamy gravy with these step by step instructions. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS...
Fresh produce is not just good for eating but even for drinking. Make the most of this gorgeous fruit on Apricot Day with this sensational drink....
A dairy-free chocolate ice cream based with almond milk, dutch process cocoa powder, egg yolks, and organic sugar. Super delicious and so easy.
Print Recipe Incredibly Delicious Italian Cream Cake Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time 35 minutes Passive Time 30...
Summer’s were made for slushies! If you don’t believe me, try out this gorgeous tequila-based strawberry mango margarita, courtesy of Tastes Lovely, and we’re sure you’ll...
Christmas is almost here, and what better way to ring in the Christmas spirit than with a Santa themed cocktail? This Santa’s Sleigh cocktail courtesy of...
A luxuriously rich recipe of deep-fried koftas reinforced with the goodness of greens like spinach, coriander and fenugreek, cooked in a white gravy enriched with saffron...
A popular appetizer from the Southeast Asian cuisine that is believed to have originated from Indonesia, the satay is a dish of seasoned, skewered and grilled meat, that is...
Print Recipe Spicy-licious Spicy and delicious chutney Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 5 minutes Cook Time 15 minutes Servings people MetricUS...
Happy St Patty’s Day, people! Today is a day for feasting and fun, for drinking and dancing. Who knows – you may get extra lucky and...
Print Recipe Chocolate and Apple Pancakes Tasty and healthy pancakes are the best way to start a day. . . . A delightful surprise for both...
Print Recipe Ganthia Nu Shaak Although this unusual dish is typically a jain preparation, it fits well into any gujarati menu as the gujaratis simply love...
Print Recipe Beef and Guinness Pie A delicious beef pie with a good helping of Guinness for an extra boost of flavour, this beef recipe is...
Print Recipe Chilli and garlic prawns with a herb salad Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 120 minutes Cook Time 30 minutes...