Print Recipe Easy Cream Cheese Dip Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 5 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 2 packages fat free...
Print Recipe coconut cake with coconut lemon glaze We found this recipe in my grandma’s recipe file. I thought it was interesting because I’d never made...
Print Recipe Super Healthy Beetroot Parathas Beetroot Paratha Recipe is made from whole wheat flour dough stuffed with grated beets that is sauteed until tender. Votes:...
Print Recipe Manok Pansoh Recipe Chicken and lemongrass cooked in a bamboo log. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 240 minutes Cook...
Print Recipe Coriander Onion Chutney Both coriander and onion have a strong flavour and aroma, that come together well in this chutney. Tamarind and a selection...
Print Recipe Keema Paratha Recipe The stuffed keema paratha is pretty simple to make. You can have it without the need for any side dish to...
Print Recipe Malvani Chicken Hara Masala Green Chicken! Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 40 minutes Cook Time 15 minutes Servings MetricUS...
We love they way food portions are served in the show Young Sheldon. There’s so much variety on one plate: portion of brisket, mashed potatoes, mac...
Print Recipe ROASTED COD WITH A WALNUT, LEMON, AND PARMESAN CRUST This dish makes a lovely fuss-free supper and is very quick to make. One large...
Print Recipe Coriander Roti Generally, coriander adds value to any dish in which it is used. Here, it steals the show! the use of minimal spices...
Print Recipe PUMPKIN RAVIOLI WITH SAGE and Toasted Hazelnuts Pumpkin ravioli is easier to find in the fall through the holidays, when the Halloween mascot is...
Print Recipe Broccoli and Baby Corn Noodles Happiness often comes in small and simple packages! The Broccoli and Baby Corn Noodles is such an one-dish meal...
Print Recipe Lavender and Cumin Crusted Cornish Hen Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 4 Cornish hens well rinsed and...
Print Recipe Chhilkewale Parathe A very different type of paratha. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 20 minutes Cook Time 20 minutes...
A batch of piping hot and perfectly spiced bhindi crispy fried to perfection is just what you need to amp up your meal. Not only is...
India’s cultural vibrancy reflects beautifully in its food as well. A fact that deliciously transforms a simple prawn curry to a Malabari prawn curry in Kerala,...
Print Recipe Roast Duck with Apple Dressing "When you're in the mood for something rich and flavorful, try this wild duck rubbed with light seasoning and...
Who said popcorns can only be popped from golden corns? Well, no one actually. Which is precisely why the concept of “popcorn” has been adopted in...
Print Recipe Three Cherries For Watermelon! An incredibly fruity thirst-quencher! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Passive Time 5 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients...
Print Recipe QUICK BIRCHER MUESLI Bircher muesli is like a cross between porridge and regular muesli in which oats are softened, sometimes overnight, in yoghurt, apple...