Print Recipe Chawli Bean Subzi This unique Chawli Bean Subzi is sure to please your palate with its exciting sweet, sour and spicy flavour. With tamarind,...
Print Recipe Crackling Wontons with Strawberry Ice-Cream An elaborate dessert created with really simple ingredients. Crispy fried wonton wrappers interlaced with fresh strawberries and cream, served...
The thought of beaten fish folded with eggs may not appeal to every palate, let alone beaten salmon. But here’s what we’ll use to sell this...
Print Recipe asparagus bundles I went through my entire childhood thinking I hated asparagus. I remember telling my mom I didn’t like it, and I remember...
Print Recipe A Thai Treat! This unique Thai dessert is the perfect end to a Thai meal. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings...
This Middle Eastern chicken is incredibly aromatic. The marinade is very quick to prepare and the chicken can be frozen in the marinade, then defrosted prior...
Print Recipe Ukrainian Olha's Varenyky (Perogies) "Ukrainian Olha's Varenyky (perogies) These half moons of dough may be filled with a variety of fruits, vegetables, meats and...
Paal kozhukattai made using rice flour balls which is cooked in a sweetened jaggery sauce. So delicious and so easy to make.
After a long weekend of drinking all we really want is to feel semi normal again. Usually, an aspirin (or two) and plenty of water does...
VIDEO: Diwali is here, and we cannot wait to start celebrating! If you are thinking of what to serve your guests, we have the perfect snack...
Crab fry or nandu varuval is a spicy fry made with crab that tastes out of this world.
Print Recipe Chick-licious A delicious and healthy chicken recipe Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 4 boneless skinless chicken breast...
Print Recipe SQUAB VADOUVAN PASTILLA DANIEL IS a French restaurant, but our flavor palette knows no geographic boundaries. This started as a summer dish, a roasted...
Rava vada is one of the best to try out this morning for breakfast. Here is how to make this delicious vegetarian healthy recipe.
Suicide Squad Hits your Tv screens in a few days so get ready to be bad with the rag tag group of baddies with this cocktail...
Print Recipe ROASTED BABY POTATOES with Herbs and Garlic I like to mix different types of potatoes for this, my all-time favorite roasted-potato recipe. The only...
Print Recipe Batata Chi Bhaji The simplicity is what lures one to this recipe! So easy yet unbelievably flavourful, the Batata chi Bhaji is a no-fuss...
Bikini Martini is fruit, sweet and makes me think of the beach. It's the perfect cocktail recipe. A beautiful drink that's as irresistible as it looks!
While the mango is said to be the king of fruits, we only get to partake of the delicious fruit for a few months every year....
Print Recipe ROAST QUAIL he quail unfortunately falls into a kind of bird purgatory; it is not a game bird, though some describe it as such,...