Print Recipe CHINESE BRAISED OXTAIL A lot of Chinese cooking involves quick stir-frying over high heat, but they also have a long tradition of slow braises....
Chicken, tomato and lettuce is a great combination in a salad. This recipe gets a touch of zing with the dressing mixture of lemon juice and...
Print Recipe Nothing like Kothu Parota Nothing says street food like a plate of hot steaming kothu parotta. A complete meal in itself, it's quite the...
Aloo Chokha is one of the side dishes made with potatoes. It hails from the interiors of Bihar. This easy Indian recipe is the staple diet...
It’s been just about the Monday-est Tuesday ever, so if you’re in need of pampering then we’ve got the cocktail for you. This champagne-based cocktail courtesy...
corn pulao is one of the easiest recipes that you can make on a weekend lunch.
Whoever said that your favourite chocolate bar can’t double into an ingredient for a luscious chocolate cake? Try this recipe and enjoy a lovely cake all...
Print Recipe cornbread salad with french dressing Cornbread served at every meal is a southern thing. I was surprised the first time I traveled west of...
Recipe crafted by Chef Machindra Umakant Kasture, The Ashok. Print Recipe Kokum Saar Kokum is known to have multiple health benefits. It aids digestion and hence...
If you’re well acquainted with the streets and street foods of India, Bhel Puri and you probably go back a long way. The puffed rice mixed...
Print Recipe Paneer and vegetable skewers Paneer is the main vegetarian protein eaten in India and it is a perfect foil for Indian flavours. Votes: 0...
Prawns Sukka is a traditional, delicious, spicy, hot and tangy. Its an absolute favourite of the people of Mangalore and is usually served with the plain...
Print Recipe SPICED LENTIL SOUP With a good chicken stock at its base, you don’t need many ingredients to create a delicious soup. Red lentils, onion,...
Well, it’s past August 31st, so it’s officially the season of thanks and giving (see what I did there?) and colder weather (not the amazing song)....
Looking for a delicious white wine cocktail to whip up? Try this Cucumber cocktail courtesy of Grover Zampa Vineyards. It’s refreshing, and super easy to make!...
Print Recipe Pumpkin Cheesecake Muffins Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1 cup pumpkin 240ml2/3 cup packed brown sugar 160ml1...
Podi dosa is a simple and easy South Indian dosa, which can be served when you are running out of time to make a chutney or...
Watching Kavya binge on juicy Chicken Tikka at her office party didn’t leave us much choice but to lay our hands on some ourselves! Print Recipe...
Print Recipe Rhubarb Compote Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 14 minutes Cook Time 6 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1 pound...
Frost cupcakes with this easy-to-make frosting using a small amount of your favourite Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate! Print Recipe Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Cupcake Frosting Recipe...