Print Recipe Whole Wheat Bread Most children love to nibble on bread for a snack. Though it is easily available in the market, it is fun...
Nandu thokku masala is a tastiest sea food, high in protein.
Print Recipe BEEF MEATBALL SANDWICH WITH MELTING MOZZARELLA AND TOMATO SALSA A simple variation on the beef burger, with mozzarella instead of Swiss cheese and a...
Print Recipe Corn Artist Deep fried mashed corn cutlets. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time 10 minutes Servings...
Print Recipe Sweet Onion Casserole "This wonderful combination of sweet onions, Swiss cheese, and rice is a tasty side dish for anything from grilled meats to...
Mushroom gravy is simple, quick and flavorful. It has a smooth gravy like the restaurant style dish with full of flavors. It is best served with...
Print Recipe Batata Harra The Batata Harra is a delicious and spicy appetizer from the Lebanese cuisine.This recipe is simple and easy to make. Votes: 0...
Print Recipe Pepper Kuzhambu Recipe Pepper Kuzhambu is a very tasty dish which goes well with hot steamed rice. Since we are adding garlic, curry leaves...
Print Recipe Yogurt Curd Vermicelli Recipe Thayir semiya is a tasty dish prepared with curd and vermicelli. Instead of having the usual curd rice, try this...
We’ve devoted quite a lot of attention to recreating foods featured in the still popular TV show, FRIENDS. That’s understandable; it was an undeniably awesome show,...
Crispy shrimp tossed in a creamy sweet sauce and candied walnuts. This is so much better than take out and one of the best shrimp recipes.
Print Recipe Eggs for Breakfast with Potatoes and Cheese Kick start your day, with you smiling so hard your face might tear. Votes: 0 Rating: 0...
Mary Poppins is a Disney classic that makes us fall in love with with every character and who can forget that amazing song ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’? Make some...
If you’re looking for an easy cocktail recipe that you can whip up in minutes then why not try this Rusty Nail cocktail courtesy of Serious...
Print Recipe RASPBERRY CHEESECAKE If there is one thing you Americans know how to do, it’s how to make great cheesecakes. This is my take on...
Print Recipe Sweet fennel lollipop A simple lollipop recipe from Vineet Bhatia which will add some fun to any dinner party. Make these in advance and...
Print Recipe Christmas Morning Fruit Salad Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 595.33 g can cherry...
Enjoy this fusion dish with green chutney! Feature image source Print Recipe Tandoori Chicken Burger Recipe Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Course Global...
The success of most any cake depends on the temperature of your ingredients. Too warm and the batter will be thin, which will make a cake...
Mushroom kurma/ korma is a flavorful and yummy gravy that can be served with many main dishes like roti, chapati, dosa, idly, rice, parotta and so...