Print Recipe Atte ka Malpua Atte ka Malpua is just what you need to warm your heart on a cold, winter’s day. It is not surprising...
Gourmet mushroom risotto is cooked in true Italian style. Loads of rich, earthy & satisfying, authentic flavours in a simple dish!
Print Recipe Cabbage and Paneer Parathas Parathas just got more interesting. An unusual combination of cabbage and paneer for the filling adds a novelty value to...
Print Recipe PORK NECK CURRY WITH MANGO SALSA This has got to be my favorite curry in the world: all those zingy Thai flavors with one...
If you’re looking for a classic scotch cocktail that combines some gorgeous, complementing flavors then why not try this Drunk Uncle cocktail courtesy of Serious Eats....
Print Recipe BLACK TRUFFLE OEUF EN COCOTTE Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients Brioche Crouton 4 slices thinbrioche2 tablespoons butter...
If you feel like changing things up a bit, try out this festive take on a rum punch, courtesy of Delish. Print Recipe Cranberry Zombie Votes:...
Print Recipe Jansson's Temptation (Janssons frestelse) "This is one of the most well-known dishes in Sweden and is served on a smorgasbord, for lunch, or as...
If you’re looking for a warm drink with a bit of a kick this monsoon, then we suggest you try this Cider Muddle courtesy of the...
Print Recipe Arbi Naveli Deep fried arbi in an exotic gravy. The spices vie with one another to add more exquisiteness to the dish! Votes: 0...
Print Recipe PICKLED GHERKINS An incredibly useful thing to have up your sleeve. After many failures in the restaurant at pickling gherkins, Anna Rottman, a friend...
Print Recipe CHEESE TORTELLINI in Light Broth Tortellini means “tiny cakes”; they’re small pasta nuggets filled with ingredients that range from plain cheese and vegetables to...
Halloween is almost around the corner, and since we don’t get free candy anymore (buying it just isn’t as fun) at least we can make the...
Karupatti paniyaram is a sweet paniyaram made with palm jaggery. Palm jaggery is healthier sweetener and has a unique flavour too.
Relish this delicious Matar Ki Puri made out of fresh green peas. Eat it with your favourite pickle and some fresh curd. Print Recipe Matar Ki...
Print Recipe MOLASSES-GLAZED HAM I’ve always loved ham, not just hot with mashed potatoes and a cider gravy, but cold with salads and pickles. The sweet...
Print Recipe Blue Cheese and Bacon Stuffed Mushrooms A rich, warm and cheesy recipe for classic stuffed mushrooms, this attractive appetizer is perfect for your next...
Print Recipe Holiday Mimosa "A real treat for the holidays. My family enjoys these on Christmas morning." Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep...
Print Recipe Risotto with Pumpkin and Red Wine A ravishing risotto recipe from Ritu Dalmia. Risotto rice cooked in red wine with pumpkin cubes and puree....
Print Recipe Gaund Ke Ladoo Gaund is an edible gum, extracted from the bark of a tree. Pale, brownish yellow coloured crystals of gaund are easily...