Print Recipe Wild mushroom pilaff Whole spices add flavour but if you don't have any, substitute one rounded tablespoon of garam masala when you add the...
The Madras cocktail is a fruity highball drink that’s super easy to make and super easy to drink. All you need is some vodka, cranberry juice...
Print Recipe FRUIT SALAD with Cannoli Cream Cannoli (“pipes”) are said to be one of the unshakable rocks of Sicilian desserts, and these days they can...
Print Recipe Bacon Rosemary Mashed Potatoes "Creamy mashed potatoes are enhanced with the rich flavors of bacon, onion, rosemary, and garlic." Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You:...
Print Recipe Bellam Paramannam (Rice and Jaggery Pudding) Paramannam literally means the Ultimate Food (Param-Annam) or the food fit for gods. And it truly is. You...
Print Recipe spicy edamame dip When I was a young girl, we had a big garden every year. I didn’t know how good I had it...
In Gilmore Girls ,for a dinner celebrating Rory’s achievements at Chilton, Emil scourges up a recipe of beefaroni. Try this recipe to recreate the moment.
Thinai ladoo or Foxtail millet ladoo is very nutritious and easy to prepare.
Print Recipe Cheesy Corn Rava Waffles Crispy rava waffles topped with corn, cheese and tomatoes. A tongue tickling snack. Add the fruit salt just before you...
This lovely tequila cocktail is all about inculcating refreshing flavors! Courtesy of Food & Wine, this Silver Monk Cocktail will be your go to drink this...
Print Recipe FRESH GINGER SPONGE CAKE Every cook should master how to make a light, even sponge. Once you have, you can use it as a...
Burgers are one of the best creations of mankind. The snack is the perfect amalgamation of meat (of veggies), sauces, greens, and bread. And the best...
This delicious tequila and bourbon cocktail courtesy of the Architectural Digest is the best way to shoo away the monsoon blues! You can whip it up in...
We’ve seen a lot of Sheldon’s family in this show especially his mother. Being a devout Christian, she also enjoys a little pride here and there...
Print Recipe RÂPÉE MORVANDELLE [Gratin of Shredded Potatoes with Ham and Eggs and Onions] Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients...
Print Recipe Onion masala sauce Want to give your curries real depth of flavour? Try this versatile masala sauce. The secret to the rich taste is...
Print Recipe Fishing for some cakes This delicious salmon potato cakes is topped off with creme fraiche Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep...
Print Recipe Tomato Onion Gojju Recipe Tomato Gojju is one of the easiest side dish (South Indian Style Tomato Curry Recipe) that can be made, especially...
Print Recipe ROAST WOODCOCK Woodcock defecate before they fly, so they can be roasted with the guts in, which heightens the flavor. Votes: 0 Rating: 0...
Print Recipe Fruity Diwali Treats These delicious dried fruit ladoos are the perfect snack during Diwali festivities! Votes: 1 Rating: 1 You: Rate this recipe! Course...