This recipe is from ‘The Dinner Party’ episode of Seinfeld where Jerry and Elaine stop to buy a chocolate babka from the Royal Bakery. Try out...
This Ramadan try out this Classic Upside Down Chicken and Rice dish. T.E Lawrence would have come across this fantastic dish during his travels across Arabia....
Print Recipe GRILLED MUSSELS ON A BARBECUE Ideally you are on a Hebridean island, eating mussels you have picked and cooked on driftwood. This works just...
Print Recipe Tricolour Raita Recipe Tricolour Raita Recipe with step by step. Tricolour Raita Recipe is present for independence day since it resembles the colors of...
A spicy baigan masala is simply a lip smacking vegetable recipe with the brinjals which are slit and coated with masalas and then shallow fried.
Lauki Kheer Recipe is a delicious and creamy sweet pudding made from grated bottle gourd. This recipe makes use of doodhi and low-fat milk to make...
Chicken Dry Fry Recipe - A dry chicken dish that is very simple to make but tastes amazing. It can be made on any busy day...
Print Recipe Fiery Zucchini A spiced zucchini dish from Pakistan. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 5 minutes Cook Time 15 minutes...
Print Recipe Verkadalai Sundal Recipe Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients Raw Peanuts - 1 cupsalt to tastetsp Coconut -...
Print Recipe Butterscotch Fudge Traditional Butterscotch Fudge has wonderful flavors and is great to try when you like a different twist on a classic dessert.This butterscotch-flavored...
Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation makes no secret about his love for meat; check out this collection of GIFS. As a tribute to his meaty...
The thought of making dinner after a long, tiring day can be frustrating. This is when you have to turn to easy recipes to do the...
Print Recipe Berry the Pie An easy pie with a buttery crust that will simply melt in your mouth. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this...
Pavta Bhaji also called as Lima Beans Curry is a regular meal at our house and its very simple, easy and delicious meal to carry for...
Print Recipe Strawberry Nimbu Paani Recipe Ever popular nimbupani made extra special with strawberries Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 5 minutes...
Print Recipe Bhaji Stuffed Idli This unique Bhaji Stuffed Idli is incomparable to anything you have ever tasted before... a totally out-of-the-world savoury experience! Traditional idli...
Print Recipe Brinjal Rasavangi Rasavangy literally means brinjals in a fluid gravy. While it is a traditional south indian recipe, many believe that it demonstrates a...
Print Recipe Gluehwein "Gluehwein is a German/Austrian winter-holiday drink that most tourists know as an after-ski drink. After you come in out of the snow, it...
Print Recipe Sweet Potato Oranges "Sweet potatoes cooked in orange skins with a yummy topping! Very festive!" Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep...
Try this easy recipe for a creamy, healthy avocado smoothie. Serve it as a refreshing drink.