Print Recipe Crispy Aloo Tikki Spicy Aloo Tikki with crisp outside soft inside is a real treat to taste buds at anytime. It’s so delicious that...
This is the perfect *I forgot about dessert* recipe! Easy to make and you’ll definitely find all the ingredients right inside your fridge. Feature Image Source Print Recipe...
Print Recipe Carrot Pickle It is one of the easiest and most economical pickles to make. Use carrots, which are fresh, firm and without blemish. Wash...
This Garlic Mushroom Bruschetta makes for the perfect party canapé with loads of flavor packed into every loaded toast. Made with very few ingredients, it’s important...
We all know that every year we have to kiss mango season goodbye, so we always try to make the most of it. Here is a...
Spicy and delicious kerala style curry made with koorka.
Print Recipe Chocolate-mandarin kheer This chocolate and mandarin kheer recipe from Vineet Bhatia is a twist on an Indian rice pudding. The big difference is that...
There are some classics we can never get enough of, be it classic films or classic cocktails. One classic movie that we can re-watch numerous times...
Ever wondered what a flakey chewy savoury paratha stuffed with egg and chicken tastes like? Well, the Bengali did and even whipped it up in their...
Print Recipe Barnyard Millet Pongal Barnyard millet is said to be the fastest growing millet which is gluten free and highly nutritious. The bran layers of...
Print Recipe Maple Glazed Sweet Potatoes with Bacon and Caramelized Onions Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time 65...
Print Recipe Bikaneri Bhujia Bikaner is known for this savoury snack. Deep-fried bhujia is usually made of gram flour but a variety of flours like moong,...
Carrot Kootu is a classic kootu recipe which perfectly goes well with rotis as well as steamed rice.
Easy Homemade Mini Corn Dogs - An easy, family friendly recipe that is perfect for dinner or as an appetizer!
Print Recipe Cabbage So Good Cabbage tastes delicious when made with Thai flavours. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1/4...
Print Recipe Onion Melts for Cheese Super easy onion dip that's bound to be a hit at your next party. I assure you the only 'effort'...
Print Recipe STOVETOP GRILLED CORN WITH CHIPOTLE CHILE BUTTER We’re switching continents here and going to Mexico, where you’ll find street vendors selling grilled corn on...
This simplified version of the Moscow Mule, courtesy of Smirnoff, is sure to be your new go-to drink this summer. The best part, you only need...
Print Recipe Fenugreek Mushroom Brown Rice Rice is usually a no-no for diabetics because it causes a quick rise in blood sugar levels. To counter the...
Khumb Matar, also referred to as matar mushroom, is an Indian curry with mushroom and green peas cooked in a delicious onion tomato gravy. The preparation...