Print Recipe Candy Cane Cocoa "The rich flavor of chocolate combines so well with peppermint. This is the perfect drink to sip while trimming the tree."...
Print Recipe Buckwheat Dhoklas Snacks don't always have to be fat traps! plant chemicals found in buckwheat help maintain blood flow and prevent fatty clot formation,...
This vodka cocktail only requires two ingredients and a little bit of salt. Mix it up and you’re all set! Print Recipe Salty Dog: Vodka &...
A pot pie is a lovely way of combining all the meal ingredients in one delicious preparation to roll out a gorgeous baked pie. The pot...
Healthy kalani soru rasam is simple and easy to make.
Summer is finally here, and brunch calls for cocktails that are fizzy and refreshing! Try this Lemonade Mimosas recipe, courtesy of Delish for a delicious buzz!...
Buffalo Chicken has that unique combination of the perfect amount of spicy and tangy all in one bowl. The spiciness comes from the addition of hot...
Print Recipe Granny Kat's Pumpkin Roll "This moist rolled cake has a rich cream cheese filling. Serve it cold. This will be a hit! It has...
We have all seen our mothers and grandmothers cook oh-so-yummy Gajar Ka Halwa during holidays but we also know it took hours to cook! This One...
Spicy Fish is a delicious and easy to make appetizer recipe. Here is a tried and tested traditional recipe to make Spicy Fish!
Print Recipe Veggies a la Mexico A healthy bout of vegetables stir fried in olive oil. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time...
If you’re a Pirates of the Caribbean fan, you probably know by now that Sir Paul McCartney will be joining the crew for the fifth movie...
Print Recipe Flax seeds chutney powder Chutney powders are the perfect accompaniment to almost all South Indian breakfast dishes. It’s a life saver on those busy...
Sookie is paranoid over Luke taking over her kitchen at the Dragonfly Inn but even she couldn’t resist the pork chops he made. So here’s the...
Print Recipe Halwa Times A delicious halwa recipe Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1 cup Sooji/Rava/Semolina i have used...
Print Recipe Aloo Gobhi An all time favourite combination, in an all time favourite form! potato and cauliflower feature in a traditional curry seasoned with typical...
Print Recipe STUFFED RIB OF BEEF The Sunday Roast is the cornerstone of home cooking and a rib of beef is the ultimate. Cooking beef on...
It might always seem daunting making dishes that have more than three ingredients and require a grill or more effort than we’re used to, but when...
For those of you who are new to the concept of ‘khichdi’, it is very simply an Indian version of risotto or the classic dal chawal...
Print Recipe Buffalo Takes on the Spice Hot hot hot. Yummy Buffalo dip that tastes super-awesome on its own. I've been making this for three potlucks...