Print Recipe Cottage Cheese Cutlets Cutlets without potatoes? Well, it’s all in your mind. Try these delicious Cottage Cheese Cutlets and your impression is sure to...
A delicious & simple to make biryani with fresh veggies & traditional spices. Best served with raita, papad and your favorite choice of pickle.
Yes, this is, in fact, the Harvey Wallbanger with a bit of tiki twist! Recipe courtesy of Supercall, this version of the Wallbanger swaps out the...
Print Recipe A (Fenu)greek God! Aloo Methi is a delicious dish made with potatoes, fenugreek leaves, and a combination of spices. Fenugreek is a green leafy...
Print Recipe Baked Blintzes with Fresh Blueberry Sauce Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 20 minutes Cook Time 60 minutes Passive Time...
Gin and champagne with a citrusy feel!
One of the most popular (sort of) coming of age films in 2004 was ‘Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle’. In the movie, they decide...
Food was scarce due the famine in The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society and so one of the meetings simply had turnip soup with no meat...
Print Recipe Caramelized Pineapple Slush Recipe Caramelizing enhances the flavour of the pineapple slices in this delightful slush. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe!...
Whip up this delicious and spicy mushroom bhaji for dinner. Serve with rice for a vegetarian dinner or with Naan bread for a starter.
Print Recipe Brinjal and Pakchoi in Blackbean Sauce Tease and appease your taste buds with this Chinese black bean sauce. Brinjal, pakchoi and black bean together...
It’s officially summer, and cucumber cocktails have never been so popular. A little vodka, some fresh cucumber and some citrus and you’ve officially got yourself a...
This quick and easy cheese omelette recipe is perfect for any time of the day & is a great source of affordable protein which is great...
Print Recipe Spinach and Corn Quiche The pastry base is filled with a cheesy white sauce mixed with blanched spinach and American corn to give an...
A hardcore Marathi staple, the Matki Amti is a curry dish with sprouts as the main ingredient. We’ve seen how to make a sprouts korma and...
This fruity champagne cocktail is just perfect for a hot summer day! Courtesy of Saveur, the Clipperton cocktail has gin-based Pimm’s and prosecco for a splash...
In The Dream Thieves, Persephone whips up a Pecan Pie; baking for her is a long and loving process. Make your own with this recipe.
Print Recipe Pepper Mushroom Fry Quick healthy and tasty mushroom pepper fry to serve with rice or roti. Mushrooms cook very quickly, absorb flavors wonderfully and...
Print Recipe WHITE TRUFFLE SCRAMBLED EGGS There isn’t a single French chef who is not associated with a truffle dish: Michel Rostang and his world-famous warm...
Print Recipe POTATO AND FATBACK SOUP The ultimate soothing yet steadying soup; if feeling a little liverish, or generally frail, this should sort you out. Votes:...