Happy Cheese Ball Day! Try this simple, delish cheese balls recipe and celebrate not just the day but the genius who invented this drool-worthy treat! Print...
Print Recipe Lamb with green chillies Hot with whole green chillies and sour with tamarind, this intensely flavoured lamb curry is so easy. Votes: 0 Rating:...
Though Rachel is just bugged at Ross while spitting out Macadamia nuts, we would find it hard to do so. Not only are they yummy to...
Print Recipe Bhavanagari Marcha Bhavnagri marcha are spicy but not very very spicy. Each chillies are cut into small roundels and blend well with black salt...
Print Recipe Dipster Corn A corny creamy cheesy Mexican dip. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 495 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients...
Print Recipe Orange Rage A soft and light cake made with fresh orange juice and whole wheat flour. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe!...
Print Recipe Chettinad Chicken Biryani Chettinad chicken biryani recipe is one of the most flavorful biryanis made in south india. It is usually served with a...
Print Recipe Hazelnut Chocolate Sponge Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients Butter and flour mixture14 eggs12 ounces granulated or castor...
Print Recipe Rolled and Stuffed! Delicious rolled leaves that are fried in a spicy and tangy sauce! Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Course...
Print Recipe Spring Onion Paratha Recipe spring onion paratha recipe – simple and healthy breakfast recipe of parathas made with spring onions. These spring onion parathas...
Print Recipe Cashew, Anyone? This dish of tender stir-fried chicken, crispy roasted cashews and bright green scallions in an authentic brown garlic sauce tastes just like...
The hurricane is a sweet alcoholic drink made with rum, fruit juice, and syrup or grenadine. It is one of many popular drinks served in New...
Grilled Cheese is one of those important staples in our lives. It’s delicious, it’s easy and it’s cheesy and what more could you ask for? It’s...
This easy to make beer cocktail from Marie Claire is a cider and stout combo that sounds pretty delicious. Print Recipe Black Velvet Votes: 1 Rating:...
Make your next barbecue a breeze with our BBQ Shrimp Recipe.This barbecue shrimp requires only quick stove-top cooking with no grill in sight.
Chilli Beef is a hot and spicy, delicious recipe that goes well with Chapathis or as a side dish with Rice and Dal. Its loved by...
Print Recipe Doodhiya Kheech This dish is very popular in Udaipur from where it is said to have originated. Its texture is similar to that of...
Print Recipe Sprinkle it Up! This taco seasoning takes a minute to make and will jazz up your chicken taco. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate...
Patoleo or Patoli recipe is made specially during independence day, ganesh chaturthi festival and nagpanchami.
A simple flavorful baked chicken! This is great served with rice.