This World Whisky Day, why not try your hand at a delightful whiskey cocktail to change things up a bit. Mixologist of the Radisson Blu Atria,...
Print Recipe Mexican Savory Fervor A cheesy mexican cheesecake with salsa and seasoning. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 20 minutes Cook...
Print Recipe venita’s chocolate chip cookies Everyone has a favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe, but this one just might replace yours! This is the signature cookie...
Chow chow kootu recipe is one of the easiest, and tastiest dish which you can make. This is a very simple kootu recipe which is very...
Start off the New Year, by not completely messing up your resolutions with this Kale Martini courtesy of Supercall. It’s green, and it’s got kale in...
South Indian style bitter gourd stir fry recipe. It is best served with rice or millets.
Print Recipe Rollin' in the Cinnamon Worship. That's all that'll remain. Buttery rolls, ooey gooey goodness of cinnamon sugar and the generous cream cheese on the...
Serve up Passion Fruit Mojitos and impress your guests at your next casual cocktail party.
Carrot Chutney is spicy and tasty with a blend of different spices. This chutney rich in Vitamin A is extremely good for eyes and skin. It...
Print Recipe Carrot, Cucumber Curd Rice Traditional south indian fare, and a favourite especially with tamil brahmins, the carrot, cucumber and curd rice is a frequent...
Chinese cuisine is popular for using a variety of spices and sauces with a distinct flavor as well as making use of the signature wok-style cooking....
If the rainy weather has got you down, cheer yourself up with this New Amsterdam Toddy courtesy of Serious Eats! Print Recipe New Amsterdam Toddy Make...
Print Recipe I sea food and I like it Shrimp it up and toss it into that oven! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe!...
The latest episode of Game of Thrones Season 8 was a mark of brevity and sheer guts. While Arya Stark put an end to the bloody...
This Sassy Witch’s Brew Cocktail will certainly add a bit of drama to your Halloween party! Courtesy of Pizzazzerie, the best part of this drink is...
Print Recipe Charmed Marshmallow Treats Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time 10 minutes Passive Time 40 minutes Servings...
Print Recipe Claypot chicken Rice Claypot chicken rice is usually a dinner dish in the southern regions of China, Malaysia and Singapore. It is typically served...
An Afghani soup which is usually made with meat but the Wahid’s family makes the vegetarian version for Amir as they can’t afford meat. Turns out...
Print Recipe cranberry-orange relish We’ve always served the traditional canned cranberry sauce (one of my nephew Kyle’s favorite food groups) at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but a...
Fish Manchurian is a very popular recipe. Learn how to make Fish Manchurian by following this simple & easy recipe.