Print Recipe Potatoes gonna potate! A mildly spicy raita with potatoes. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 5 minutes Cook Time 15...
Halwa, a.k.a., sheera is a popular Indian dessert that is made by roasting the ingredients in pure desi ghee along with dry fruits, water, sugar, and...
Print Recipe Tricolour Pasta Salad Recipe An Indian style pasta preparation with bell peppers and eggs. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS...
If there are kids visiting your home this Christmas then it’s always good to have a jar full of candy. And when it’s made by you...
This beer cocktail sure packs a punch (pun intended) and is the perfect drink to whip up when you’ve got the whole gang coming over (you...
Oats dosa recipe or instant oats dosa recipe - a very quick and easy no grind oats dosa, best among delicious and healthy indian oats recipes.
A popular dip from the Mediterranean, hummus is the life and soul of every Mezze platter or pita platter. The Egyptian native is made from cooked mashed chickpeas...
Here’s another all-time gem out of the old Gujarati recipe book. True to the basic definition of an India ‘kadhi’ (with the exception of Sindhi kadhi),...
Coconut and chicken make a wonderful combination both in Thai and Indian dishes. In this recipe, coconut and other spices and herbs are ground into a...
Print Recipe The Key to my Paleo Yummy coconut key lime bites for a quick refrigerator trip. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings...
If you’ve not caught the premier episode of Game of Thrones season 6 yet, we’re not going to spoil things for you. But, we will give...
Print Recipe okra and tomatoes If you only like okra fried, you may be surprised at this pretty combination dish. Choose small okra pods. They’re the...
What’s better than a batch of meaty seasoned chicken wings? A batch of seasoned juicy and CHEESY chicken wings deep-fried wrapped in a blanket of Parmesan...
This mouth-watering khichdi makes a complete meal with just a cup of curds and a papad because it is so self-contained in terms of flavours. From...
Delicate, uber-fluffy angel food cake is one of the easiest recipes I know: Just throw some cold egg whites and sugar into a bowl, whip 'em...
Egg masala fry is tasty and quick egg dish which can be done in a couple of minutes. It's a kid's friendly recipe too which will...
Brownies are a popular treat anywhere in the world. No matter where you are and whether you like chocolate or not, brownies are amazing. They are...
Print Recipe Sabudana Kheer-Sago Payasam-Javarisi Payasam Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 30 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients...
Delightful chicken with garlic cloves, white wine, and pepper garnished with lemon, and basil. Learn how to make lemon garlic chicken in this recipe.
Sundakkai is a small vegetable with lots of health benefits. One of the most important benefits is that it has Anti-Anemic property.