Make this scrumptious recipe by Corporate Chef Manish Kusumwal of Keys Hotel and watch the delight on your family’s faces during the Christmas dinner. Print Recipe...
Print Recipe Handi TImes Easy, creamy and delicious Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Course Side Dish Cuisine North Indian Prep Time 30 minutes...
A less fancy version of the biryani is the pulao. And although certain people may argue otherwise, both are completely different dishes. The pulao is also...
Spicy Chicken Legs Roast recipe, is an Indian food recipe that is easy to prepare.
Incredibles 2 has quite a few food moments what with Jack Jack re-appearance when lured by a cookie or the scrumptious waffles that Dash is enjoying...
Print Recipe SAUCE BÉCHAMEL (VELOUTÉ) [White Sauce] This basic sauce takes about 5 minutes to make, and is then ready for the addition of flavors or...
Print Recipe Spicing It Up Rich and spicy drink Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients EDIENTS3 ounces bittersweet chocolate chopped2...
Joey maybe famous for his lack of cooking skills but Uncle Jesse is known to be seen in the kitchen quite often cooking up Chicken Tetrazzini...
Print Recipe Parmesan Brussels Sprouts Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 15 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1...
Print Recipe Davanagere Benne Dosa Recipe Davangere is a city in central karnataka. karnataka is one of the states in south india. there are some dishes...
During the ninth season, Phoebe celebrates her birthday on Halloween because she isn’t able to make reservations for her actual birthday. Since it’s Halloween tomorrow, we...
Print Recipe Sausage Casserole Recipe Chicken sausages cooked with chickpeas, rice and masalas and served with lettuce. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep...
There are various ways of making the staple pulse dish of India, a.k.a. dal. From the maa ki dal in Punjab to the amti dal in Maharashtra...
Print Recipe CREAMY POLENTA with Gorgonzola Cheese As an alternative to mashed potatoes, try making this mouthwatering polenta. Nearly any easily melted cheese will do, but...
Print Recipe CHILLI POACHED PEARS WITH STAR ANISE DUST This is one of those puddings that tastes so much more complex than it is, with the...
Print Recipe Lifafa mushrooms, braised spinach roasted tomato-sesame chutney This mushroom pastry recipe can be made in a variety of ways. Follow Vineet Bhatia's fill recipe...
Print Recipe Garlic-Parmesan Pretzels Recipe Can't find pretzel nuggets? You could chop up full-size soft pretzels, or brush the pretzels with butter and dust on the...
Print Recipe Hum along Delicious, creamy hummus that just melts in the mouth. Serve with Pita bread. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings...
Feature image source Print Recipe Diwali Special Mango Falooda Recipe (Hindi) आम का फालूदा एक ऐसा व्यंजन जो सभी लोगों का बहुत ही पसंदीदा है क्योंकि...
Three years on and the Walt Disney Film Frozen is still an immensely popular movie among children and adults alike. The world has exploded with ‘Frozen‘...