Tasty tomato treat Try out this classic southern snack that was a major part of the classic movie of the same name. Make a batch and...
Print Recipe Broccoli Burger A burger with an exotic feel, this one can be made without much thought as broccoli is easily available in markets these...
feature image source Print Recipe Pizza Zucchini Boats Try this recipe for your friends & family! Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Course Appetizer...
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it is crucial to include the necessary nutrients in your morning meal to keep your day...
This flavorful main course rice recipe is true to its Oriental origins. It combines the goodness of vegetables with the flavour of chilli sauces, topped with...
This clam curry recipe follows the Goan style of cooking; a state famous for its love for and skill with seafood. While the recipe calls for...
VIDEO: Craving for something delicious? This delicious Pav Bhaji Masala is sure to curb those hunger pangs! 2 pav / bread 2 tsp butter 1 onion,...
Print Recipe The Mexican who loved Quinoa Tangy quinoa that's a must-try at your next week-night dinner. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings...
Print Recipe QUICHE LORRAINE [Cream and Bacon Quiche] The classic quiche Lorraine contains heavy cream, eggs, and bacon, no cheese. The bacon is usually blanched in...
Print Recipe Beef Tamales "These are just like the tamales my Abuelita used to make for special occasions. This recipe makes a lot, but if you're...
Print Recipe Mummy Returns, with Truffles Delicious truffle balls that are SO easy to make. Newbie cook throwing a Halloween party? This recipe is your savior....
Print Recipe Braised Chicken with Walnuts Recipe Boneless chicken, with Walnut. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 60...
Print Recipe Chicken Palak Recipe Chicken Palak a classic Indian dish for palak (spinach) chicken. Popeye would love this dish! This is a nutrient rich, low-fat...
In A Series Of Unfortunate Events after the Baudelaires are welcomed to Uncle Monty's house with coconut cream cake; for just a little time, things appear...
In Gilmore Girls, when a pickle train explodes outside Stars Hollow, Sookie makes a bunch of pastrami and corned beef sandwiches to help the citizens battle...
Garlic Naan is a more flavoursome variant of the quintessential Mughlai and North Indian bread, naan. As the name suggests, this garlic-rich version of the leavened...
Print Recipe Boneless Garlic and Rosemary Rubbed Prime Rib with Red Wine Mushroom Sauce "Anchor dinner with a festive rib roast. For great color and flavor,...
Fall is officially here, which means a season full of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and Halloween candy! If you’re looking for a delicious dessert cocktail to whip...
What makes a perfect breakfast meal? The answer to this question differs on who you ask. Some might say pancakes. Some will say bacon, toast and...
VIDEO: Onam Sadhya is incomplete without payasam! This easy to make Semiya payasam can be prepared in just 30 minutes. In this recipe, the vermicelli is...