Print Recipe Chocolate and Banana Crepes Ritu Dalmia's crepes are guaranteed to make your day special. Top with your favorites like chocolate-banana, cinnamon-orange and whatever your...
Print Recipe Badam Pakora Recipe Usually, sweet almonds are edible and bitter almonds are used to make almond oil, which is used to add flavor to...
Print Recipe Schez-wan, may the spice be with you Schezwan or Si-chuan noodles is for the brave. It's a spicy, tangy take on the regular stir...
Print Recipe Boiled Pearl Millet The kombu choru that you can make from this recipe will go well with pickle or any curry! Votes: 2 Rating:...
Print Recipe Corn Pakoda Recipe Baby Corn Pakoda is a tasty South Indian snack.Baby corns coated in a masala paste then dipped in a gram flour...
Print Recipe Ek Toap Na Dal Bhaat - Gujarati Recipe Another popular one-dish meal from the kitchens of gujarat, ek top na dal bhaat is an...
Print Recipe COLD ROAST BEEF ON DRIPPING TOAST One of those treats for the day after, having saved the dripping from the previous day’s roast. Votes:...
If you’re a big blackberry fan then you’ll love this twist on the Collins, courtesy of Bon Appetit. An easy cocktail to whip up for the...
Print Recipe Tasty Stew Simmer up some vegetables to make this tasty Kerala stew! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients...
Make super delicious waffles just like at IHOP at the comfort of your home. Make your weekend brekkie a special one! Print Recipe Copycat IHOP Waffle...
Print Recipe Crispy Okra Did you know that okra (bhindi) is one of the staple vegetables in Chinese cooking This recipe makes an interesting starter that's...
This beautiful and intricate potato pave recipe below is sure to wow all of your guests!
We bet you cannot just stop at one. A simple dish that uses everyday ingredients. Here’s how you can make it: Print Recipe Paneer Bread Rolls...
One pot recipes come handy on nights when you don’t feel like cooking at all. Throw in all your ingredients in one post and you’re done!...
Squid is one of the all-time seafood delicacies. Squid roast is also called Koonthal roast or Kanava roast in Kerala. It is spicy and of course,...
This deliciously simple cocktail, invented at around the turn of the 20th century is one of Boston’s greatest contributions to mixology. The Ward Eight Cocktail is...
Print Recipe Cheese Onion Omelette Ritu Dalmia says an omelette is the easiest thing to cook. Make it special with onion and parmesan and garnish with...
Print Recipe Minty Fresh! Give your rice a refreshing twist. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time 40 minutes...
Print Recipe Pesto Best-o Magical pesto. I'm warning you! All you need to do is bring it to the table and Poof!. Votes: 0 Rating: 0...
Print Recipe Coconut Rice (South India) Rice preparations that highlight a single ingredient like Lemon Rice, Tamarind Rice, Raw Mango Rice or Coconut Rice are more...