Print Recipe PEACHES STUFFED with Amaretti Cookies Amaretti cookies are a must for this recipe; there really isn’t any substitute for that crunchy almond flavor and...
Print Recipe Chicken Triple Schezwan Fried Rice Recipe Votes: 1 Rating: 4 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time 30 minutes Servings MetricUS...
Have a no fuss, delicious meal, hot and ready in less than 30 minutes with this recipe. These foil packs will take you back to the...
Print Recipe Binge Brinj-al! Crispy fried slices of brinjal. Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Course Snacks Cuisine Indian Prep Time 5 minutes Cook...
Print Recipe Made In Vilayat Stuffed lamb fillet strips char grilled to crisp perfection. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Passive Time 60 minutes...
Sura Puttu is a flaky fish dish that is light and flavorful on the palate and so easy to make. The best fish to use for...
While wondering when her when her life will begin and making a song out of it, Rapunzel wonders what all she could do. In the song...
Print Recipe Pineapple Goodness A delicious meatball recipe that is so good you're going to be bringing it to the next pot luck. Votes: 0 Rating:...
Simple and delicious cake made healthier with pomegranate seeds. Can be served as a coffee cake or after-dinner dessert and stays moist even days after you...
Print Recipe Ragi Pakoda Ragi pakoda recipe is just the right thing if you're looking for a tasty, crunchy, nutritious snack. Easy to make, it doesn't...
Print Recipe Sooji Cheela Sooji ka cheela is easy to cook and is prepared in less is one of the good options for breakfast. kids...
Inspired by the pieces of tree bark that you sometimes find lying around, chocolate bark is a much more delicious alternative. And it’s really simple and...
Print Recipe Cherry Cookies Soft and buttery shortbread cookies flavored with cherry, then finished off with sweet white chocolate. Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this...
Every dish needs a BFF a.k.a. chutney or a dip to step up the flavors. There are a number of types of chutneys. Some are yogurt...
Print Recipe Sticky Toffee Cake This soft and moreish Sticky toffee cake is sure to become a firm tea-time favourite. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate...
The tawa is a quintessential kitchen utensil used in South Asian countries like India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. The flat iron base provides an ideall surface for...
This cocktail is just a tad bit complicated, so if you’re looking for an easy vodka cocktail we suggest you choose one of these. The Peary...
Spider-Man is back in news; not for saving the day or flying through the city, but for the latest movie he’s staring in. Spider-Man;Homecoming is all...
Print Recipe ROASTED BEETROOT AND THYME RISOTTO Risottos have a tricky reputation, but they are actually very straightforward. You do need to put in the arm...
Potatoes are something that hardly anybody can not eat. Whether it is a vegetarian, non-vegetarian, or even vegan, some or the other form or variety of...