Print Recipe Chocolate Roulade Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients Ingredients for the Cake 6 eggs separated1/2 cup sugar 118ml4...
Summer drinks are in great demand due the heat and humidity. Why not make some at home and lounge away watching our favourite shows? Print Recipe...
Print Recipe Corn and Vegetable Roti Health and taste come together in this lovely roti. A bouquet of wholesome ingredients such as grated cauliflower and potatoes,...
There is nothing quite like a classic homemade cheese-laden pizza, amirite? But there is one variety of cheese pizza that trumps the traditional margherita – the...
A very easy to make masala fish marinated in a range of spices and coated in semolina before frying. Served with a sweet and tangy warm...
Print Recipe CHORIZO STUFFED ROAST CHICKEN This is a very simple twist guaranteed to impress. The chorizo, bean, and tomato stuffing helps the bird to cook...
Omelette Curry is a delicious recipe served as a side dish. It is a mouthwatering dish is favorite of all those who love eggs. This easy...
Traditionally, ‘cutlet’ means a thin slice of meat taken from the ribs or leg of veal, mutton or pork. A breaded cutlet, on the other hand,...
Print Recipe Crispy Arbi Subzi This dry dish of crispy rice-coated arbi pieces goes extremely well with moist dal and Parathas. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You:...
Print Recipe Peep Cake Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 45 minutes Cook Time 85 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients For the...
Print Recipe Oats Tikki Recipe Oats cutlet is a healthy and easy snack made with oats, potato and spices. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this...
Print Recipe Tandoori lamb wrap These wraps are the perfect grab-and-go meal. You can also use seasoned yoghurt and some fresh chopped coriander and mint instead...
Print Recipe VENISON CONSOMMÉ WITH BLACK TRUFFLE JUST AS THE Japanese dashi broth with its bonito flakes can be seen as the essence of Japanese cuisine,...
Print Recipe Aloo Ka Bomb Our very own version of the "Baked Stuffed Potato", fondly named by street vendors as a "Bomb". Whole potatoes scooped and...
Print Recipe Chuta Moong Dal Unlike the usual dal preparations, this is a dry dish made with moong dal pepped up with a simple tempering and...
Coconut Burfi (Thengai Burfi) is a tasty south Indian sweet done on most of the festival and special occasions.
We’ve been sharing a lot of recipes from Enid Blyton’s adventure, mystery and boarding school books. Today, we turn our attention to her fantasy stories, one...
Print Recipe Banana Pepper Wafers Raw banana wafers flavoured with crushed pepper are simply delicious. To get crisp wafers you have to slice the raw banana...
Yesterday, we reported that Taco Bell in the UK has launched a limited edition Kit Kat Chocodilla which folds Kit Kat bars into quesadillas. Unfortunately, we’re...
Print Recipe That's What Cheese Said A cheesy casserole with layers of zucchini and tomato. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 20...