Print Recipe Garlicky Broccoli! Make a quick, healthy broccoli stir fry with this recipe. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients...
Print Recipe Bhinda Ni Kadhi The versatile ladies finger is used widely in gujarati cuisine, in many dry as well as gravy recipes. Here we present,...
In the first season of Gilmore Girls, Sookie's restaurant is visited by food critic Lucien Mills. He gave her cooking a great review but called her...
This homemade curry is so simple and easy to make. It's packed with potatoes so you don't fork out on too much beef. The slow cooked...
Butter Murukku is one of the easiest recipe prepared at the time of festivals. This snack is very easy and simple to prepare. It’s a crunchy...
Rum runners are a classic cocktail, and they're incredibly easy to make with our frozen Rum Runner Mix. Blend with ice and your favorite rum, pour,...
Print Recipe ANCHOVY, LITTLE GEM AND TOMATO SALAD Amazingly uplifting powers for a simple salad. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial...
Can’t get enough of the momos you love so much but want a change from the usual chicken and vegetable varieties? We’ve got for you this...
This Downton Abbey themed champagne cocktail is easy to make and oh, so, classy. Of course, since we can’t afford our very own Mr. Carson, the Twinkle...
Don’t let the name fool you, because this cocktail is made primarily with French ingredients. This cognac-based cocktail with its nutty profile was included in Jerry...
Print Recipe Puli Inji Recipe Puli Inji Recipe with step by step.Puli Inji Recipe with step by step.Puli Inji is a very popular recipe or condiment...
If you’ve got a summer party coming up, why not try this Mango-Peach Sangria recipe courtesy of Food & Wine for a nice twist on the...
Almonds contain healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium, and vitamin E along with various health benefits. When combined with traditional herbs, it gives you a nutty, creamy...
Multan is a bustling city in the Punjab province of Pakistan and like every other Pakistani city, has a drool worthy kebab-rich culinary history. The Multaani...
Print Recipe TOMATO VEGETABLE CASSEROLE Note that the ingredients here are something of a hodgepodge: potato and sweet potato, zucchini and carrot, onion and bell pepper....
Here’s a whole new spin on the traditional modak made on Ganesh Chaturthi. Wishing you a happy and prosperous festive season. Ganpati Bappa Morya! Print Recipe...
Sip on a glass of refreshing Aam Panna and you’ll be rejuvenated from the heat in no time! Print Recipe Aam Panna Recipe In Hindi Refreshing...
Kill two birds with one stone with this amazing cocktail mashup courtesy of Delish! Combine both of your favorite summer cocktails with this Mimosa Margaritas recipe...
As Geppetto cooks up a delicious meal for Pinocchio after his first day at school he makes a delicious roasted fish for Figaro and this sumptuous...
Khandvi or dahivadi is the Gujarati equivalent of a roll up. The savory snack is mildly spiced and tempered with mustard seeds, coriander and coconut. The...