Tindora fry is one of my all time favourite sidedish. It is really tasty on it own or as a side for rice and any gravies.
Refresh the leftover idlis or give the fresh ones this amazing tempering with this amazing recipe. Follow the easy instructions in Hindi and make a delicious...
Chicken ghee roast is a very popular Mangalorean dish and is an absolute delight to eat. Pair it with Neer Dosa or Appam and it makes...
Simple juice with red dragon fruit also known as pitaya fruit.
Print Recipe Pan Fried Noodles A meal by itself. The evergreen combination of mushrooms and green peas prepared the chinese way and served on a bed...
Binging on mac n cheese, Midge and Joel reconcile and boy was that quite a moment. Whoever said romance can’t build over a simple pasta, some...
Print Recipe GORDON’S KEDGEREE Kedgeree is wonderfully comforting, especially after a hard night, and very easy to make. To enrich it at the end and make...
Caroline loves Max’s homemade cupcakes and tries her best to make a fortune out of them. She even convinces Max to come on board though their...
Print Recipe WILD MUSHROOM RISOTTO with Peas The secret to the intense mushroom flavor in this recipe is that not only are mushrooms themselves part of...
Print Recipe Slow Cooker Cornish Hens "serve it with the veggies over wild rice. You can turn this recipe for 2 into 4 by splitting the...
A vegetarian delight from Pakistan, the spinach and cauliflower bhaji is both healthy and delicious. The dish like a list of other foods is a common...
Print Recipe Tikka-licious A delicious thick gravy recipe made with grilled mushrooms. Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Course Side Dish Cuisine Indian Prep...
Print Recipe Beefy Deliciousness This delicious slow cooked beef dish will send your taste buds to heaven! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings...
Hyderabadi Chicken Dum Biryani is a very lengthy process but at the same time is the easiest. Once you understand it then you can master the...
Print Recipe Christmas Fruitcake "It's a shame that fruitcake as a species gets such a bad rap. With its two key ingredients--rum and butter--it ought to...
Print Recipe Say 'Yeah' To Papayas! Pick some papayas from your backyard and make this simple, tasty side dish! Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this...
Print Recipe Nutella Rolls Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 15 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1 can...
On the thanksgiving where they’re all late, Chandler decides to help out Monica and she makes him the in charge of the Cranberry Sauce. Or as...
Print Recipe Cheezy Crunch Burger Recipe Cheezy Crunch Burger Recipe with step by step.Serve the burgers with romaine on the bun and topped with spicy ketchup....
“Shaken, not stirred” Yesterday Sir Roger Moore, a.k.a. The Man With The Golden Gun and the Bond who according to Patton Oswalt was the “have a...