Print Recipe Maple Walnut Cakes Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time 12 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 2...
This spongy Eggless Chocolate Cake recipe is one of the best I have come across. Super easy to make and without requiring any fancy ingredients or...
Make yourself this delicious onion bagel for Louis Litt sure loves them plus you’ll need some energy to be extra ‘Litt Up’ for his big news....
This is a very easy recipe for a tasty, light, flavoursome prawn curry that would go down a treat if you're looking for an easy mid-week...
Chunks of chicken batter fried to golden perfection in any form are a sheer delight to eat. Whether they are in the form of bite-sized chicken...
Maida halwa is one of the sweets which is prepare during festivals.It has an unique taste.If you are a halwa lover then you will love it...
The mercury has crossed the 40-degree mark and it’s only May! So, it’s only wise to amp yourself with a bunch of recipes to help you...
Print Recipe POTÉE NORMANDE POT-AU-FEU [Boiled Beef with Pork, Chicken, Sausage, and Vegetables] Here is a sumptuous family-style boiled dinner which will serve 12 or more,...
Print Recipe Cheesy Corn and Onion Toast You will love the Cheesy Corn and Onion Toast not just for its cheesy flavour but also the interesting...
Traditionally, the Bumbo was made with sugar syrup, dark rum, water and nutmeg. However, I think we all agree that this version is a tad more...
Unniyappam is a delicious and very popular snack cooked commonly in Kerala. The sweet dish is made using ghee, rice, jaggery and sugar; and is cooked...
Print Recipe Indian Mixed Vegetable Pulao Mixed vegetable pulao is a very commonly made rice dish for festivals, parties and other occasions. The aromatic basmati rice...
Print Recipe ROASTED MACKEREL WITH GARLIC AND PAPRIKA I don’t know why some people don’t like mackerel and why it’s not more widely served in the...
A savourful South Indian Chettinad Egg Curry is a main dish recipe which can be served with hot rice or any indian bread.
This rich orange pudding cake recipe is very quick and easy to make.
As the name suggests, this cocktail is pretty much as good as it gets on the Thanksgiving front. Courtesy of Cooking and Beer, if you’re a...
Everyone needs a great hummus recipe. This dip made with chickpeas, lemon, olive oil and garlic,salt. It's a great standby pantry dip for unexpected guests or...
Print Recipe Whipped Parsnips Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 20 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1 pound...
VIDEO: Impress your guests with this Kerala style fried chicken! Marinated in curd and corn flour, it is the addition of lemon and spices that make...
This grape cocktail is the perfect drink for a rainy afternoon. The cognac and wine warm up your soul while the soda ensures that it doesn’t...