This Cherry Cake is a lovely way to enjoy fresh sweet cherries.
Print Recipe Take your pancakes in a glass! Substitute your regular pancakes for breakfast routine with a blueberry pancake smoothie instead! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You:...
Print Recipe BREAD & WINE SALAD The disciplining of vegetables is not to be taken lightly. Letting them know you are in charge is one thing...
Punjabi egg curry recipe, made in dhaba style is exceptionally good when you are not in a mood to cook something elaborate but wish to make...
Print Recipe Chocolate Mousse Whether kids, teens or adults, almost everybody loves chocolate, and hence this mousse too! the luscious dark chocolate and the contrasting whipped...
Print Recipe sour cream cornbread We’ve been preparing and sharing many of the recipes in this book for generations, so it’s a big deal when I...
Print Recipe Macaroni Pudding Recipe Macaroni Pudding can be described as a take on rice pudding. It is a a custardy pudding with cooked macaroni as...
Print Recipe Gonna make me some mor' A delicious yogurt and coconut gravy that goes well with most rice dishes. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate...
It's 'that' time of year. When a fan just doesn't cut it, and a simple walk to the store can make you feel like you've crossed...
Print Recipe Let it go! A sweet, strong cold coffee to knock those blues away. Plus, the recipe is for a concentrate you can store in...
Print Recipe Bean and Pepper Tortilla Pizza A quick pizza that is prepared without using an oven. Tortillas or left-over chapatis are topped with beans, tomatoes,...
Champagne can be a bit daunting, especially if you’re not a seasoned drinker. Here’s a unique way to whip up a champagne martini which combines the...
Meatballs sandwiches are a delicious lunch treat! Try this meatball submarine recipe with tomato sauce & melted cheese tucked between crusty bread.
Print Recipe Burnt Garlic Fried Rice Sautéeing the garlic till brown gives this rice preparation its unique flavour. Together with green chillies, crunchy vegetables and soya...
Chocolate donut is an absolute sinful dessert and there’s a scene in FRIENDS where Joey has to borrow a shirt from Rachel’s Ralph Lauren office and...
Matt Le Blanc has given us rib tickling moments with Friends and Man With A Plan. We love the episode when Adam’s dad lounges away at...
Print Recipe Moong Dal Sundal Moong dal sundal or pasiparuppu sundal is a very easy and simple sundal recipe prepared with yellow moong dal. Votes: 1...
Sweet Idli Recipe is a healthy south Indian breakfast or snack recipe.
Print Recipe SIMPLE BOLOGNESE When we were kids, this was our favorite sauce, hands down. I used to love it on everything—pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, and...
Print Recipe French Toast Fingers Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 5 minutes Cook Time 6 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 2...