VIDEO: Bored of making the same Maggi recipe with peas and carrots? Check out our vegetarian Maggi recipe with a cheesy twist! Our cheesy vegetable Maggi...
Print Recipe Tawas for the win! This quick and simple semi dry paneer masala is the perfect recipe to make after a long day. Votes: 7...
Research shows that when you start off your day with a healthy meal, you are more likely to make healthy choices throughout the day. Which is...
Chilly nights call for an easy and warm dinner. We have the perfect recipe for you! This sweet potato macaroni bake is simple and so good...
Print Recipe Berry-Licious A delicious sauce to be thankful for Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 12 ounces Cranberries1 cup...
On the occasion of Ashtami, we’ve decided to share the recipe of Sooji Halwa, a prasad which is basic on this auspicious day. Depending on various...
Print Recipe Brownie Pop Recipe "Brownie lollipops - a delicious brownie-candy combination! Easy to make and versatile enough to decorate for any occasion! Votes: 0 Rating:...
This cocktail, courtesy of Saveur, doesn’t have anything to do with Micheal Jackson’s moonwalk. Instead, this champagne cocktail is a tribute to Buzz Aldrin (the real...
Print Recipe PICKLED HERRING Two pickled herring fillets will do handsomely as a starter and three will happily pass as a light lunch. Eat with their...
Print Recipe Light Banana Pudding Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time 10 minutes Passive Time 720 minutes Servings...
Tequila cocktails are sure to remind you of those holiday vibes. Try out this Orange Crush recipe courtesy of Brandon Matzek of Kitchen Konfidence for a...
Print Recipe Coconut Burfi Coconut burfi is one of the most popular Indian sweets around festival time. Get the fast and easy recipe to make perfect...
Print Recipe Cured & Smoked Salmon "I've been using this recipe for years and everyone is always amazed at how well the salmon comes out. You...
Print Recipe Maple Roast Turkey and Gravy "A New England style turkey with maple syrup. Try stuffing it with Cranberry, Sausage and Apple Stuffing. If you...
Print Recipe GRILLED TUNA STEAKS Besides their wonderful flavor, one of the things that’s remarkable about tuna steaks is simply how great they look, especially with...
Print Recipe ARANCINI DI RISO Arancini di Riso means “little orange rice balls”—orange, because the risotto was traditionally made with saffron (the version called Risotto Milanese),...
Print Recipe LEMON AND PISTACHIO BAKLAVA The classic Middle Eastern tea-time treat of layers of chopped nuts interlaced with flaky filo pastry and finished off in...
Spending time at KFC hogging on the crispy chicken is one of our favourite hobbies. The perfectly fried chicken checks off all the right items on...
Coffee cake recipe is made with a brown sugar and cinnamon streusel crumb topping. It's an easy, moist, and delicious everyday coffee cake.
This cocktail was a popular summer cooler the roaring twenties. You can almost imagine yourself having a ball of a time sipping this bubbly cocktail, flapper...