Soya chunks are a fun, delicious, and healthy alternative to vegetables and certain meats. And although, there is nothing that can completely substitute the aforementioned, soya...
Parathas are the fancier cousin of the Indian flatbread, chapatti or roti. They are made using pretty the same technique only with more layers and a...
Print Recipe Spoon Rolls My cousin on my daddy’s side of the family Peggy Leach shared this really easy recipe. Mix the batter to keep in...
Shakkar para or pare (pl.) are sugar coated pieces of heaven. The snack comprises of deep-fried bite-sized portions of whole-wheat flour covered in delicious sugar syrup....
Panchamrut, also known as panchamrit, is a holy Indian drink. The word ‘panchamrut’ is Sanskrit for ‘a combination of five nectars’ (panch: five, amrut: nectar), where milk...
Print Recipe Mexican Lasagna with Pulled Chicken Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 240 minutes Cook Time 60 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial...
This Banana Jam Recipe is a low-cost and delicious homemade food gift you can make during the holiday season.
Mix things up with this Blended Sand cocktail at your next gathering courtesy of Dewar’s! They’ve curated a cross-cultural experience for bartenders from India, China, Philippines...
Print Recipe Smoky Chicken Spread The unique "smoky" flavor in this spread comes from smoked almonds. It makes a hearty snack on your favorite crackers. Don't...
Print Recipe Stuffed Leg of Lamb "Rolled leg of lamb stuffed with spinach, goat's cheese and pine nuts. Suggested: Serve with Brussels sprouts cooked in butter...
This brown sugar meatloaf recipe is one that your whole family will love. It's super easy to prep and tastes like love-filled comfort food.
Print Recipe பொரி உருண்டை Pori urundai Recipe is such a simple and quick snack that can be made with few ingredients easily available in our...
Print Recipe Tiranga Halwa Recipe A tasty Indian themed halwa recipe made with spinach, cucumber, and carrot. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Course...
India is famous for its rich and flavoursome food not only because of the way it’s cooked but also majorly for the spices traditional Indian cooking...
Print Recipe Basic Polenta This is the most basic, fundamental version of polenta. It’s the perfect side to accompany a delicious, long-simmered stew. Or you can...
Pasta in pumpkin sauce topped with vegetables is great way to combine taste and nutrition. Packed with Beta carotene, Vit A, antioxidants & minerals like copper,...
Print Recipe Chawal Ke Pakode Rice Pakora Recipe or Chawal Ke Pakore Recipe – deep fried snack made from leftover cooked rice, besan (gram flour), spices...
Get ready for a lovely sangria without the wine. Make this easy, awesome recipe, that you can use for a gathering of any age group! Print...
Print Recipe Decadent, creamy kofta curry This malai kofta recipe will soon become your go to preparation for dinner parties! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate...
Print Recipe Protein packed curry This delicious channa masala recipe will taste delicious with steamed rice. Votes: 4 Rating: 4.25 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS...