Chicken marinated in home-made spice powder and green paste. Grilled to perfection and served with a fresh salsa of grapes, spring onion and cherry tomatoes.
Print Recipe Sizzling Brownies A rich, gooey, sinful and truly indulgent dessert. Warm, fudgy walnut brownies served with rum marinated fruits, drizzled with chocolate sauce that...
Print Recipe Spice-up the Curry with Mint Raita Pudina raita has a very cooling effect when served in summers. Mint raita goes well with parathas and...
Mee Krob also called Mi Krop is one of Sheldon’s favourite dishes and Thai food is a favourite of the group. So let’s sit back, watch...
Print Recipe Soak It Like A Sponge Sweet cheese balls served in a sugar syrup Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 60...
No meal is complete without a sumptuous and healthy side of greens to compliment the meat and carbs with. Not only is it a great way...
The Lucknowi Mutton Biryani recipe or the Awabhi biryani recipeis also know as the “pulao” and is supposed to be a more refined version. It is...
Love Indian spices, but can’t handle the heat? Well, you’re not alone! And thankfully, for all of us with weak spice buds, there exists the perfect...
If you’re looking for a flirty, romantic cocktail to whip up for your bae this Valentines day, then try out this Strawberry Sunrise cocktail courtesy of...
Prawns are an excellent choice for making a biryani. Juicy and succulent, these take on the rich flavours from the spices and aromatics .
Print Recipe Ajwaini Roti Ajwain has such a tantalising aroma and flavour that it can pep up a dish as a standalone spice! You will realise...
Fish cutlets unlike other cutlets aren’t breaded or batter fried. These are, in fact, a sautéed mix of fish fillet and fresh veggies shaped into round cutlets and...
Print Recipe STEAK FLORENTINE This famous T-bone recipe from Florence is the perfect steak : The outside of the meat caramelizes when it hits the hot...
Print Recipe Apricot Glazed Ham Apricot preserves and a hint of honey mustard make a wonderful glaze for your traditional Christmas Ham. Votes: 0 Rating: 0...
Earlier this week, we had a serious muffin craving so we decided to do something about it. Check out this great recipe we tried. We also...
Print Recipe FLATBREADS WITH FENNEL AND FETA You’ll find countless variations of pizza around the world, where a dough base is used as a plate to...
Sheldon loves the food cooked by his mom and we totally see why after watching Young Sheldon. The lovely plates put up by Mary seems oh...
Print Recipe Vegetable Hot Dog Vegan hot dogs are the new best thing to be added to the vegan diet. Votes: 3 Rating: 2.67 You: Rate...
True to its name, the Chicken Majestic is one rich and lavish preparation. A treat for chicken and meat lovers, the Hyderabadi dish can be had...
Set dosa, a popular breakfast served in most fast food joints or tiffin centers in Bangalore and other parts of Karnataka is a set of soft...