Print Recipe chicken poppy seed salad Everybody loves the basic, tried-and-true chicken salad recipe that I make, but I had this chunky chicken salad at the...
Print Recipe Carrot Cake Whoopie Pies Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time 10 minutes Passive Time 30 minutes...
This delicious hot cocktail was developed by bartender Josh Relkin and is the perfect drink to whip up after a meal! This bitter coffee cocktail uses apple...
Print Recipe POACHED WINTER FRUITS WITH ZABAGLIONE This dessert shows that you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen to create a stunning and delicious...
Print Recipe DUCK HEARTS ON TOAST The perfect snack for the cook who has just prepared 5 ducks. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe!...
Skip the after meal dessert and sip on this Dusk Flip Cocktail, courtesy of Food & Wine instead! It’s got a lovely whiskey base, and it’s...
Print Recipe TOMATO KETCHUP You will need a stainless-steel pan, large enough for all the ingredients. Tie the peppercorns, allspice and cloves in cheesecloth. This ketchup...
Print Recipe Beef Out! A mildly spiced Mexican juicy beef stew. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time 150...
For the first time have we seen Lorelai ordering something other than hamburgers and pancakes at Luke’s but only when she has a cold. Though we...
Print Recipe lettuce wedge with blue cheese dressing I was an adult before I acquired a taste for blue cheese, but I love the strong flavor...
Think ‘fried chicken’ and KFC almost always has the last world. KFC’s original fried chicken was created by its founder, Colonel Sanders and was fried in...
Cool, refreshing and just sweet enough, a fresh strawberry lassi is the beverage you want for breakfast, lunch, after school.
Print Recipe ESPRESSO PANNA COTTA WITH CINNAMON HAZELNUT BRITTLE Panna cotta, or ‘cooked cream’, is the posh Italian equivalent of our own blancmange and all the...
Print Recipe Favorite Old Fashioned Gingerbread "This is everyone's holiday favorite, even the busy cook's, because it is so easy to make." Votes: 0 Rating: 0...
The delicious sweet made from rava and coconut is an absolute delight.
Print Recipe HAM IN HAY The cooking of ham in hay imbues it with the most wonderful and unusual flavor, while insulating the meat from any...
Print Recipe Cappuccino Cheesecake Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1-1/2 cups chocolate cake crumbs 355 ml1-1/2 lbs. cream cheese...
This quick and easy version of Chicken Cacciatore is ready to serve in 30 minutes. If serving over pasta, start the water for boiling before you...
Breakfast is an important meal, and it does not matter which corner of the globe you’re from, you will have a signature breakfast dish that hails...
Print Recipe Sopapillas "Sopapillas are an awesome baking powder bread that are fried -- they puff up when fried and if you are not familiar with...