Print Recipe Palak Pakora Recipe Palak Pakora is yet another perfect snack recipe for the rainy or winter seasons…These are deep fried fritters recipe made using...
Print Recipe Bacon-y Salad is the way to go An easy bacon salad that's just pleading to be at your Easter Brunch. Votes: 0 Rating: 0...
Mutton Masala - A spicy lamb curry that goes with rice or any tiffin variety. This spicy masala mutton dish is very easy to make and...
Ulundhu Kali, a.k.a., urad dal halwa is a popular South Indian dessert rich in nutrients and is considered very healthy. The recipe scores high on ease...
The recipe belongs to the town of Amatrice in Rome and best represented in the movie Eat Pray Love. We can never ignore a delicious pasta...
A really simple recipe that is especially great for kids, these Barbecue Beef Cups make a fantastic appetizer or breakfast. Sort of like mini sloppy joes,...
This lemon chicken is cooked in a popular Punjabi style using lemon juice and a handful of spices, creating flavours that are fresh and clean. This...
Print Recipe SLOW-BAKED SEA BASS POMMES LYONNAISE, LEEK ROYALE SOME WORKS of art stay with you forever. I often think of my mentors’ classic recipes as...
This delicious mushroom dish is a great side dish to serve with rice and curry. Crunchy and juicy at the same time, the mushrooms just burst...
Print Recipe Simply Lentilicious This tasty dal paste goes well with steamed rice and ghee. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial...
If you’re a fan of the Cosmopolitan (the drink, not the magazine) then you’ll definitely want to experiment with this three-ingredient version of the drink by...
Step up your dessert game this Valentine’s Day with a little help from ace pastry Chef Deepak Yadav of Courtyard by Marriott, Gurugram Downtown. Behold, the...
The vegetarian delicacies at Saravana Bhavan are famous for their taste. We absolutely love the Kal Dosai and enjoy eating the soft treats with a dash...
At one point in American Gods, Shadow enjoys a bowl of spaghetti, crusty garlic bread and spicy meatballs in a thick red sauce. Today, we're sharing...
Print Recipe Stir Up Some Vegetables Use this recipe to make a delicious vegetable stir fry with a tamarind tang. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate...
Print Recipe Pickled Eggs with Beets Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 2 ounces cans whole...
Print Recipe Piscine Party Baked fish toped with cheese and crushed tortillas. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time...
This hot & spicy peeper chicken recipe which brings out the true flavor of chettinad cuisine.
We love eggs for breakfast. It is the perfect start to the mornings and the nutritional benefits of having eggs in the morning is beyond the...
Relish Christmas dinner with a touch of health and start this trend with oats bread rolls. Print Recipe Christmas Oats Bread Roll Recipe Healthy Christmas Recipe!...