Print Recipe Mascarpone Mashed Potatoes "Not only is this a delicious alternative to regular mashed potato recipes, but it's a very user-friendly way to serve your...
Print Recipe FLATBREADS WITH LEMON THYME RICOTTA Flatbreads are the simplest of all breads to make because, as the name suggests, you don’t need any leavener...
Print Recipe Grilled Mediterranean Mushrooms A treat for mushroom lovers! Cheese, olives and garlic filled mushrooms makes an easy to assemble dish that is perfect for...
In the ‘Internment’ episode of The Walking Dead, Hershel declares that they should have Spaghetti Tuesday, much to the amusement of viewers and bemusement of his...
The wild orange rice is a savoury, flavourful pulao famous in Afghan cuisine. The rice is mentioned in the book The Kite Runner while it is...
Print Recipe Chocolate Cornets Recipe - Lucky Star some things (like this chocolate cornet, which is discussed at length in the first episode) stick with nerd...
Print Recipe Coffee panacotta with chocolate sauce Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 120 minutes Cook Time 30 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial...
Print Recipe Grilled Tofu with Vegetables Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 20 minutes Cook Time 5 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients...
Print Recipe Broccoli Rocking it. Delicious baked onion cups that are so cheesy, they might just be illegal. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe!...
Print Recipe Fudge Puddles Fudge Puddles : Super simple peanut butter cookie shells filled with a decadent chocolate truffle filling. Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate...
Sugarcane juice has many health benefits and can be easily prepared at home for summer days.
Print Recipe CINNAMON EGGY BREAD WITH QUICK STEWED APPLE Like most families we often have some slightly stale bread knocking around, and this, along with bread...
Easy Fish Gravy Recipe is a dish that would linger on your tongue long after you have finished it. The aroma, the taste, the flavor is...
Print Recipe Vegan goes to Mexico Yummy and light, these quesadillas need to be at your next dinner party. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this...
Banana appam is a delicious South Indian dish often made during festivals or special occasions.This is one of the kids favorite at home.
Print Recipe Apple Cranberry Relish "This relish has a great flavor especially with the addition of celery! Chopped pecans or walnuts can be added if desired."...
Print Recipe Hot Apple Cider "Nothing beats a mug of hot cider on a cold winter day. This recipe is great as it calls for fresh...
Print Recipe Eggless Donut Eggless doughnuts offer a delicious, tempting dessert treat to all sweet lovers who are vegetarians. The freshly baked eggless doughnuts taste awesome...
Print Recipe Egg-tastic Meet Mr Easy's Egg Salad. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 2 Tablespoons Butter softened2 Tablespoons minced...
Print Recipe warren’s chicken bites My cousin Warren brought these little tidbits to a family reunion. He’s a hunter and used dove breasts in his recipe....