This 2 ingredient dark rum cocktail of German origin is easy to make as 1, 2, 3! Print Recipe Tschunk: Club Mate And Rum Votes: 1...
Banana Fry Recipe Print Recipe Banana Fry This is a quick and easy sidedish you could make with raw banana, It taste really delicious, it turns...
Love Thai food? Love Hummus? Then try this fusion hummus recipe to get the best of both!
Science may not be that complicated after all. In fact, it’s not complicated at all when it gives us a new way of eating chocolate. It...
Print Recipe Celery Garlic Toast A delicious starter made with low-fat butter, celery and garlic ground together to make an aromatic spread. Both celery and garlic...
Print Recipe Potato Sev Easy Aloo Bhujia recipe made from potatoes and gram flour. One of the most popular snack made in India. Votes: 1 Rating:...
Whoopie pies are considered a New England phenomenon and a Pennsylvania Amish tradition. They are one of Maine’s best known and most loved comfort foods. In Maine,...
Bread Pakora is a very famous tea time snack and breakfast recipe and is quite easy to make
Print Recipe Chana Ghasi Chana Ghassi and a bowlful of steamed rice – now, that’s what I’d call a homely and sumptuous meal! Dry roasted spices...
Print Recipe Crisp and Crunchy! This simple recipe yields kalmi vadas that are the perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You:...
Banana Banshee Cocktail Recipe is a customary Boat Drink mixed drink, containing a blend of inebriating liquor or alcohol combined with other ingredients.
Game of Thrones is missed and it won’t be until two more years till we get to see the finale, so we’re drowning ourselves, re-reading the...
Everyone has a favourite way to fry fish, but it’s nice to break out of our boxes once in a while! This Andhra fish fry recipe...
Print Recipe Chola Dal Dhokla It makes a great packed snack and avoid bingeing on other calorie-laden snacks. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe!...
The spooky red colour of the Vampire’s Weakness is all thanks to the Campari. However, the real MVP is the edible eyeballs, here is how you...
Print Recipe Pomegranate Mojito Mocktail Non-alcoholic cocktails can still be packed with plenty of cheer. This spin on the mint-and-lime classic contains delicious pomegranate seeds and...
The party thrown in Kavya’s office is quite exciting especially when one looks at the food table. The glutton in us is rising and now we...
As a part of our ongoing mission to help you whip up Subway’s delicious sauces at home, to top your own sandwich creations we’re sharing a...
If you like mutton and have a palate that appreciates Indian style of cooking and Indian spices well then one of the best dishes that you...
Print Recipe Coconut Fondue A fondue with a twist, the Coconut Fondue gives the subtle and elegant flavour of coconut milk a trendy and flavourful twist...