In American Gods, when Shadow and Wednesday are in San Francisco a woman named Easter offer "Eggs, roast chicken, chicken curry, chicken salad..." They don’t get...
Print Recipe beignets I always say that I am not really a “sweets” person. The truth is I am more of a sweets snob. I like...
We have the perfect recipe for you to make healthy and delicious peanut butter cookies! Brighten up your week by munching on these delicious cookies. Print...
Tirunelveli Sodhi Kuzhambu recipe is prepared in coconut milk gravy and cooked along with a collection of regular vegetables.
Cooking a flawless meal is not just about getting the technique right, but it has also got a lot to do with the ingredients used. And...
This made from scratch Basic Vanilla Cake Recipe is a one that must be added to your repertoire. It’s light, tender, and full of vanilla flavor....
Enjoy this delicious boozy chocolate cake for Christmas this year!
Print Recipe Carrot in A Soup Healthy and Delicious Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients cup ¼ unsalted butter ½...
Print Recipe cabbage casserole I love cabbage! I love it raw or steamed, in slaw—you name it. I grew up going to lots of church family...
Khubani ka meetha is a very popular sweet dish of Hyderabad. Khubani ka Meetha translates to apricot sweet or sweet dish made from apricots.
Crispy and spicy fish fry made with kerala style.It is very easy to make and tasty too. You can use of any kind of fish to...
Print Recipe One Pot Wonder So easy! And the aroma that wafts through the kitchen will pick you up and make you put your face in...
Print Recipe The Good Shepherd Yummy shepherd's pie that will ensure bowls are licked clean. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial...
Oats ladoo recipe is a very healthy and delicious snack with oats,dates and nuts. white sesame seeds provide a very nice crunch! Very fancy treat for...
Print Recipe Wild mushroom and sweetcorn biryani parcels Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time 60 minutes Servings MetricUS...
Print Recipe Masala Maggi Recipe Maggi has been one of the favourite breakfast options for kids and adults.This is homely recipe of an indo chinese veg...
Print Recipe MUSHROOM AND LEEK PASTA There are very few dishes you can’t simplify and strip back to their essence. This is a fast and simple...
Bite into these yummy cupcakes with a lovely chai spiced frosting and of course, chai in the actual muffin and enjoy it at tea time! Perfect...
Print Recipe BEEF TACOS WITH WASABI MAYO This mix of Mexican and Japanese flavors—seared steak marinated in a rich, sweet sauce and wrapped in a taco—makes...