image source Print Recipe Prawns Fry Andhra Royallu Iguru is a sea food curry recipe from Andhra where fresh prawns are cooked in onions and Indian...
Such is the love for pizza, that two friends Ted and Marshall actually decide to take a road trip when latter’s favourite pizza place is about...
Print Recipe Cauliflower Recipe Cauliflower or gobi is widely used in indian cooking. Gobi can be made alone or in combination with other veggies. Votes: 1...
Kashmiri cuisine presents meat and spice lovers with a pleasant opportunity to dive into some delicious and rich preparations like the rogan josh, mutton yakhni, rista,...
Print Recipe PÂTE À CHOUX [Cream Puff Paste] Pâte à choux is one of those quick, easy, and useful preparations like béchamel sauce which every cook...
Print Recipe Whole Wheat Pasta in Mushroom Sauce Chef Ritu Dalmia cooks a delicious whole wheat pasta with mushrooms and white wine. Votes: 0 Rating: 0...
Print Recipe APRICOT AND FRANGIPANE TART This almond-flavored tart can be paired with any fruits in season: cherries, pears, peaches, or, as here, apricots. Serve warm...
Indian bread baskets see a ton of varieties like roti, paratha, lachha paratha, puri, kulcha, bhatura, et al in the kitchen. The reason behind this is majorly...
यह झटपट कलाकंद आप अपने ही रसोइघर में बहुत ही कम समय और मेहनत से बना सकते हैं।
Print Recipe monkey bread muffins Monkey bread is usually baked in a large tube pan and served by pulling off a “lump” of bread at a...
A popular Mexican holiday food, the chicken posole is a delicious soup made with mild spices, healthy chicken broth and dries herbs. Posole, also called pozole,...
The Mai Tai is already associated with fabulous summer days and exotic vacation locales. Give this rum classic a bit of an update with a bit...
Print Recipe Bring out the Bengali In you Votes: 1 Rating: 1 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 4 cups full fat whole cow's...
You’ll need to ensure that you’ve got ripe passion fruits available for this cocktail! Courtesy of BBC Good Food, this should be your go to summer...
VIDEO: Impress your guests with this Kerala style fried chicken! Marinated in curd and corn flour, it is the addition of lemon and spices that make...
These are so easy and delicious. You cook the wings first, then coat them in a spicy sauce. This recipe makes enough for a party but...
Make these special, gorgeous looking Christmas Wreath Cookies by FreshMenu and enjoy with your friends and family! Print Recipe Christmas Wreath Cookies Recipe Delicious Cookies For Xmas!...
Print Recipe Crab Masala Recipe Crab Masala Recipe with step by step.This Indian crab curry has blend of good spice and coconut. All this makes this...
Print Recipe Cabbage Garden Cabbage soup that's mild and soothing. Soup-er for a cold evening. (I just had to) Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this...
Learn how to make your very own home-made doughnuts with this simple sugar glazed doughnuts recipe!