Print Recipe Bengali Moong Dal Khichdi Bengali Moong Dal Khichdi Recipe is always made during durga puja festival. this khichdi is served as bhog to ma...
Print Recipe Dahiwali Aloo ki Sabzi The ever popular potato finds its way into every cuisine and is cooked in a different, delicious way each time....
Halwa is a traditional Indian dessert that resembles a pudding in consistency in texture. What makes the halwa super delicious is the fact that the ingredients...
Enjoy a vegan version of the classic seekh kebab. Made with soya and oatmeal, this kebab is as healthy as a seekh kebab gets. The best part...
If you’re a fan of the Old Fashioned, then you’ll love this Christmassy take on the classic cocktail, courtesy of Inspired by Charm! Print Recipe Cranberry...
Print Recipe Stuffed Baby Red Potatoes Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 45 minutes Cook Time 15 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients...
This apple martini, is easy to make but it packs a punch. If you’re looking for a vodka drink that never gets old then this recipe...
Simple to make, melt-in-the-mouth egg maggi is something you can have at any point in the day! Print Recipe Alternate Recipe: Egg Maggi Recipe - The...
In Notting Hill, when Anna and William are at dinner with William’s friends, they fights over the last brownie piece with their saddest stories. It must...
An important side dish in Kerala sadhya, Olan is a traditional recipe cooked with ash gourd and black eyed peas in coconut milk. Print Recipe Onam Special:...
Print Recipe Eggplant Vs. Pizza Delicious eggplant mini pizzas that are simply addictive. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook...
If you've made the Paneer Stuffed Pakoda and you have some crumbled paneer left over, this is the best snack to make.
The classic bourbon Brown Derby cocktail is named for the eponymous hat-shaped Los Angeles diner. It’s both sweet and sour with a hefty dose of grapefruit...
Print Recipe Moroccan Chicken Recipe Chicken cooked with Moroccan spices. Votes: 1 Rating: 3 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 60 minutes...
It’s the season of colder days and warmer drinks. Well, almost. However, there’s never a bad time for a hot chocolate and this Kahlua Pumpkin Spice...
Print Recipe Go Peanuts Over This Sauce! Use this delicious sauce in a Thai stir fry for a quick punch of flavour! Votes: 0 Rating: 0...
The Scotch Mist drink recipe is made from scotch whiskey and lemon, and served over crushed ice in a rocks glass.
Print Recipe Classic Italian LASAGNA Lasagna is a dish that can be made ahead and can feed a crowd; it’s as easy to make for twelve...
Print Recipe Pie High Layers of Mexican meaty goodness. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time 300 minutes Servings...
Print Recipe sweet tea This was the first thing I remember making at home as a child. Sweet tea is the staple of every good southern...